
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

From Tony Cliff to Alex Callinicos

07 Jul 2011

Peter Manson looks at the leadership pecking order and calls for the SWP to open up

Marxism 2011: Fringe benefits

07 Jul 2011

Leo Godwin reports on two successful and well attended CPGB meetings

Marxism 2011: Impressions from sectarian alley

07 Jul 2011

Ben Lewis found the SWP a lot less hostile than in previous years

Marxism 2011: The situation is excellent ...

07 Jul 2011

Harley Filben heard a debate initially consisting of filling in blanks

On the brink of a general strike

07 Jul 2011

Issues of 'The Communist' from 1920 show the CPGB fully behind the miners

The Arab awakening and Israel-Palestine

30 Jun 2011

CPGB members' aggregate agrees theses

Divided by a common language?

30 Jun 2011

The Frankfurt school methodology employed by Platypus is worse than useless, argues Mike Macnair

Voodoo and left posturing

30 Jun 2011

Anne Mc Shane reports an exchange of views at the United Left Alliance forum

Real attempt to learn the lessons

30 Jun 2011

The 'Towards a New International Tendency' statement marks a step forward, notes James Turley

To your posts, comrades

23 Jun 2011

Mass working class pressure to save the Russian Revolution

Real democracy needs organisation

09 Jun 2011

Collective discipline is absolutely fundamental to majoritarian politics, writes James Turley

The philosophy of history

09 Jun 2011

Chris Cutrone responds to Mike Macnair

The tragedy of Sylvia Pankhurst

09 Jun 2011

Sectarianism led to putting individual projects before party

Making Marxist education a priority

09 Jun 2011

Paul B Smith replies to James Turley

Class war never went away

02 Jun 2011

David Douglass reports on the destruction and restoration of the highly symbolic Wardley miners' banner

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