
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Bush, Blair - hands off Iraq!

11 Dec 2003

A campaign of solidarity with the democratic, progressive and secular forces fighting against the occupation is long overdue, argues Ian Mahoney

HQ wrecked

11 Dec 2003

Statement of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU) protesting against the attack by the US occupation forces

Turkey: Four explosions and a dud

27 Nov 2003

Following the two sets of twin explosions that rocked Istanbul within a week, Turkish and international media had a field day, running wild scare stories.

Women on the frontline

12 Nov 2003

One hundred comrades crammed into the library of Conway Hall, London on November 7 to hear Yanar Mohammed of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq. Andy Hannah reports

Heading into the camp of the enemy

30 Oct 2003

The Alliance for Workers' Liberty has been embroiled in a heated debate within its own ranks over its attitude to Zionism. Jem Jones has the latest

Iran next in line?

30 Oct 2003

Mehdi Kia and Ardeshir Mehrdad of 'Iran Bulletin-Middle East Forum' look at the pressures on the islamic republic and call for a democratic solution from below

Turkey in crisis

12 Apr 2001

Hands off Iraq

22 Feb 2001

For a working class-led people's revolution against Saddam Hussein

Israel's pogrom

19 Oct 2000

All socialists, all defenders of the rights of the oppressed, must stand unconditionally with the Palestinian people of the West Bank and Gaza strip, and their co-nationals in Israel proper, against the murderous ethnic terror of the Israeli state. Socialists should demand, as a starting point, the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from the occupied territories, and the disarming and repatriation of the gangs of armed Jewish settlers that have encamped in these territories, whose very presence constitutes a violation of Palestinian sovereignty.

Heart of darkness

21 Sep 2000

Mehdi Kia of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran discusses the crisis dividing the theocratic regime in Teheran and the significance of the recent 'reformist' election victories

Act to stop Iran massacre

23 Sep 1999

Direct aid for Turkey

16 Sep 1999

Appeal from Day-Mer Turkish and Kurdish Community Solidarity Centre

Workers’ assimilation

16 Sep 1999

Creaking state exposed

09 Sep 1999

Earthquake fallout

Masterpiece of the coded message

09 Sep 1999

James Robertson reviews ‘Journey to the sun’ by Yesim Ustaoglu, Turkey/Germany 1999, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Turkish with English subtitles

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