
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Iraqi Kurdistan: Fight for separation

23 Apr 1998

Following the latest near war between the USA and the regime of Saddam Hussein, comrade Tahir Hassan of the Worker-Communist Party of Iraq visited several European countries including Britain. Comrade Hassan - who has special responsibility for work among Kurds - spoke to Ian Farrell

United left response

26 Feb 1998

War threat remains

26 Feb 1998

Iraq retreats, but imperialist build-up continues

Itching for war

19 Feb 1998

As the UN secretary general flies to Baghdad, imperialism is tooling up for war

Blair backs new Gulf slaughter

12 Feb 1998

US air strikes against Baghdad could start within the week

Threat to Iraq grows

05 Feb 1998

As Clinton sinks deeper in the mire, a diversionary strike is on the cards

Islamist Welfare Party banned

29 Jan 1998

Family feud of Turkish ruling bloc

Making solidarity illegal

27 Nov 1997

US bullies the world

20 Nov 1997

Defend press freedom

06 Nov 1997


Prison massacre

06 Nov 1997


Turkish state attacks freedom of the press

09 Oct 1997

Emek is a Turkish daily newspaper, which has been under constant attack from the Turkish state since it began publishing. Here the London office of Emek reports on the latest round of brutal repression

Killing fields of Iran

29 May 1997

The following is a statement of the Executive Committee of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)

New wave of executions

27 Mar 1997

Oil workers set for confrontation

06 Feb 1997

The Worker-Communist Party of Iran discusses the development and significance of oil strikes in Iran

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