
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Coalition in turmoil

10 Jun 2021

Mired in corruption, pursuing costly foreign adventures and a tanking economy, Esen Uslu looks at the shambles

Seven are the doors to hell

10 Jun 2021

Yassamine Mather reports on the new restrictions, the disqualifications and what passes for debate in the presidential election campaign

House built on sand

10 Jun 2021

The only common factor in the aspiring eight-party coalition is an aversion to Binyamin Netanyahu. Tony Greenstein thinks it cannot last long

Pogrom state made manifest

03 Jun 2021

The far-right terror campaign against Palestinians sees the police arresting those who dare resist. Meanwhile global opposition to Israel grows apace. Tony Greenstein looks at the changing picture

End Zionist oppression

27 May 2021

The latest murderous colonial onslaught, especially against those caged in Gaza, was driven by Netanyahu’s narrow personal interests. This is an edited version of the talk Moshé Machover gave to the May 23 Online Communist Forum

Signs of decay

20 May 2021

Yassamine Mather looks at Iran’s presidential hopefuls and what passes for their rival programmes

Anti-imperialism of fools?

13 May 2021

Daniel Lazare savages the ‘solidarity with the Syrian people’ petition fronted by disorientated luminaries such as Noam Chomsky, George Monbiot and Ariel Dorfman

Reality of ethnic cleansing

13 May 2021

Tony Greenstein argues that despite its military might the Zionist state is losing the propaganda war

Stench of Zionist colonisation

13 May 2021

What is going on in Jerusalem? Why the provocations? Moshé Machover looks behind the latest flare-up of violence

Hauled before courts of injustice

29 Apr 2021

Against the background of continuing tensions in Syria and Iraq, Esen Uslu reports on the legal assault on the internal Kurdish opposition

Electioneering without candidates

29 Apr 2021

Yassamine Mather attacks the sham presidential election and the imperialist-financed opposition alike

Moving to far right

22 Apr 2021

Moshé Machover looks at the dynamics and strange deals that might be done following the indecisive general election

Israeli nuclear terrorism

15 Apr 2021

Yassamine Mather looks at the ongoing low-intensity war and the latest attack on Natanz

Not in the room

08 Apr 2021

With the US still not directly involved in the negotiations, Yassamine Mather considers prospects for a revived nuclear deal

Erdoğan tries to cheat unpopularity

25 Mar 2021

Withdrawing from the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence is part of a desperate attempt to stitch together a winning election bloc. Esen Uslu reports

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