
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Back to the deal?

26 Nov 2020

Yassamine Mather looks at the likely developments with Biden in the White House

New returns to a failed old

12 Nov 2020

Yassamine Mather assesses the likely effects of a Biden presidency on a region that has suffered from repeated US acts of subversion and aggression

Long held ambitions

05 Nov 2020

What’s behind the blazing row between Macron and Erdoğan? Esen Uslu explains the strategic overreach

Prioritising own survival

29 Oct 2020

Yassamine Mather reports that the death rate is far higher than the claims of the clerical regime

More blood and tears

08 Oct 2020

Esen Uslu looks at the increasing problems of the Erdoğan regime as it engages in yet more foreign adventures

Rank hypocrisy on women’s rights

17 Sep 2020

It seems that the Taliban are now a respectable, civilised partner at last, writes Yassamine Mather

Middle East

04 Sep 2020

Despite the Israel-UAE rapprochement there can be no ‘normalisation’ in the Middle East, explains Yassamine Mather

Past weighs heavy on present

13 Aug 2020

Yassamine Mather explains why sectarian corruption is lodged into the body politic

Hitching ‘Holy wisdom’ to his war chariot

30 Jul 2020

Esen Uslu highlights the strategic considerations that lie behind Erdoğan’s reconversion of Hagia Sophia

Israel’s nuclear war

16 Jul 2020

As Binyamin Netanyahu’s government tacitly admits its role, Yassamine Mather asks why the Iranian regime is in denial

Next supreme leader

02 Jul 2020

Yassamine Mather explains why attempts to ‘root out corruption’ are not taken seriously

New bloodbath looms

02 Jul 2020

We still do not know if or when it will happen, but the annexation of parts of the West Bank is not a contingent outcome, but the logical conclusion of Zionist colonialism, argues Paul Demarty

Weapon of first resort

25 Jun 2020

The appointment of an overt anti-Arab racist as Israeli ambassador to the UK has created big problems for Zionists in Britain. Moshé Machover gives his take

Victim of Zionist colonisation

11 Jun 2020

Rashid Khalidi 'The hundred-years war on Palestine: a history of settler-colonial conquest and resistance' Profile Books, 2020, pp336, £17.99

No war, no sanctions

04 Jun 2020

Hands Off the People of Iran held a successful online meeting on May 31. There is a growing danger of a new round of conflict in the Middle East driven by US imperialism, Zionist expansionism and the general turn to rightwing nationalism. There were three opening speakers

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