
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Protecting death factories

25 Mar 2021

Tony Greenstein reports on his arrest and week-long detention over a planned direct‑action protest against Elbit, a notorious Israeli arms company

Regime change MI6-style

18 Mar 2021

Torab Saleth reviews the online documentary 'Coup 53' which was written, produced and directed by Taghi Amirani

Time is running out

11 Mar 2021

Yassamine Mather weighs up the state of play regarding attempts to revive the nuclear deal

A century of dependency

25 Feb 2021

Foreign intervention did not come to an end with the 1979 revolution. No, as shown by Yassamine Mather, Iran’s Islamic rulers are more than willing to do the bidding of US-controlled international institutions

Trying to reverse the irreversible

25 Feb 2021

‘We’re back!’ cries Biden. But, asks Daniel Lazare, will its allies welcome the US as the undisputed global hegemon once again?

From symbol to failure

11 Feb 2021

On February 8 1971, 50 years ago, the geurrillaist left began its armed struggle by attacking a gendamerie post at Siahkal. Three police were killed and two comrades rescued. Yassamine Mather spoke to Ardeshir Mehrdad. He was a member of the Organisation of Iranian People’s Fadai until 1980 and later became editor of Iran Bulletin

Principle, confusion and hope

11 Feb 2021

Having looked at the birth and early years of the guerrillaist left in her first article Yassamine Mather turns to the internal struggles within the Fedai

Handcuffed gates

11 Feb 2021

Students are resisting the academic cronies imposed on them by the Erdoğan regime. Esen Uslu reports

SUPPLEMENT: Three waves of protest

04 Feb 2021

Feelings of injustice, a lack of rights and a sense of betrayal have become universal and act as psychological and subjective drivers of protest, writes Ardeshir Mehrdad. But how can protest be forged into a movement than can topple the regime?

SUPPLEMENT: Limits of guerrillaism

04 Feb 2021

Mohamad Reza Shalgouni was a founder-member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar). He spoke to Yassamine Mather about his strategic reassessment as a prisoner of the shah and experience of the revolutionary years of 1978-79

SUPPLEMENT: Preparing for revolution

04 Feb 2021

Yassamine Mather says that the Siahkal incident 50 years ago marked a break with the passivity of ‘official communism’, but the guerrillaist left was hopelessly outmanoeuvred when it came to the reality of revolution in Iran

Open and honest debate

14 Jan 2021

The CPGB’s first online winter school proved to be a real success. James Harvey reports

Assassinations should be condemned

03 Dec 2020

Statement from Hands Off the People of Iran

Trump’s big win

03 Dec 2020

Joe Biden himself was a target when it came to the decision to kill Iran’s top nuclear scientist, writes Daniel Lazare

Invest one, harvest three

26 Nov 2020

Neo-Ottoman dreams cannot overcome imperialist realities, writes Esen Uslu

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