
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

The social gradient

10 Aug 2017

Mike Belbin completes his series of articles on genetics, racism and human character

Lord of chaos

10 Aug 2017

Donald Trump’s reign is turning into a fiasco, writes Paul Demarty, who is concerned about his plans to regain the initiative

Witch-hunt continues

03 Aug 2017

As the Ken Livingstone case demonstrates, the right’s call for ‘party unity’ should not be taken at face value, argues David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists

Record of resistance

03 Aug 2017

Christina Black went to see: Soul of a nation - art in the age of black power Tate Modern, Bankside, London SE1. Ends October 22

Heritability - biological and social

03 Aug 2017

In the third article of a four-part series Mike Belbin discusses ‘inherent character’. Today this is no longer ascribed as racial, but is put down to a person’s genes

Rhetoric and political realities

03 Aug 2017

A ‘rule of law’ which protects property rights above all else guarantees nothing but authoritarian demagogy, argues Mike Macnair

Cruel and ignorant

03 Aug 2017

Eddie Ford examines the despicable role of the media and political right in the Charlie Gard case

Check out, but never leave

27 Jul 2017

The reality of Brexit is starting to become apparent, writes Eddie Ford. And the government is increasingly under pressure from big business

Racialism and eugenics

27 Jul 2017

In the second article in a four-part series Mike Belbin looks at the many and varied classifications of race

Opening up possibilities

27 Jul 2017

Leila Lilazi looks back at the Bernie Sanders phenomenon and can still feel the fire burning

Towards a Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation

27 Jul 2017

The disclosure of the BBC list of highest paid ‘stars’ raises the question: what is the corporation for? William Kane investigates

Unbridled state power

20 Jul 2017

Esen Uslu reports on the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt

Overcoming misogyny

20 Jul 2017

Yassamine Mather tells the story of a woman whose achievements were made against all the odds

Born loser: is destiny biological?

20 Jul 2017

Did the notion of biological superiority bite the dust following the racism of the Nazis? In this first article in a four-part series, Mike Belbin traces the reformulation of an ancient idea of human character

Get used to it

20 Jul 2017

Attempts to insulate MPs from insults are laughable and doomed to failure, argues Paul Demarty

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