
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Scottish Socialist Party spirals into all out civil war

01 Jun 2006

Peter Manson looks at the factions and politics behind the headlines and Tommy Sheridan's grab for power

Will the Socialist Alliance fight?

25 May 2006

The weakness of the left has been highlighted by the local election results in England, writes Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group. What kind of party is needed to overcome this?

Personality crisis

18 May 2006

The Scottish Socialist Party appears to be on the brink of a potentially devastating split between, on the one hand, the supporters of the party's former convenor and most prominent figure, Tommy Sheridan, and, on the other, the leadership majority around the SSP's main theoretician, policy and press coordinator Alan McCombes. Peter Manson reports

SWP failure within Respect success

11 May 2006

Peter Manson comments on the results of the May 4 local elections

Populism at large

27 Apr 2006

The April 25 Tower Hamlets hustings for local election candidates, organised by the Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), was a highly charged affair. Huw Bynon reports

'Reformism from above'?

20 Apr 2006

Anne Mc Shane compares Respect's election materials to Socialist Worker's 'What the Socialist Workers Party stands for' column

'Reformism from above'?

13 Apr 2006

Anne Mc Shane compares Respect's election materials to Socialist Worker's 'What the Socialist Workers Party stands for' column

'Talib Johnny' drops in and out

30 Mar 2006

Peter Manson looks at Birmingham city councillor for Sparkbrook, Talib Hussain, who resigned from Respect only a week after joining

My enemy's enemy

23 Mar 2006

Alan Stevens reviews George Galloway's new pamphlet 'Target Iran' - and is not impressed by its one-sidedness

Democracy for the millions, not the millionaires

23 Mar 2006

The CNWP must aim for an SSP-type party, writes Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

Galloway on the airwaves

16 Mar 2006

Carey Davies reports on Talk Sport's newest presenter

Money launderers, political corruption, minor celebrities and our antidotes

09 Mar 2006

Eddie Ford comments on the furore around Tessa Jowell and George Galloway's reinvention as a radio host

McCombes strategy provokes reaction

09 Mar 2006

Sandy McBurney, a member of the SSP's Workers Unity platform, gives his assessment of the weekend

Left nationalists at the crossroads

09 Mar 2006

A much divided Scottish Socialist Party held its annual conference in Dundee on March 4-5. Nick Rogers was there

Allying with the nationalists

02 Mar 2006

Nick Rogers looks at the key issue before this weekend's SSP annual conference

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