

Come to your senses

Statement by Alan McCombes on his release from Saughton jail, May 29

Firstly I would like to thank SSP members and supporters for their solidarity and support.

As a party we were faced with a choice: to either lie, comply or defy. Our executive took the honourable position of defying the interference of the courts in the internal affairs of the Scottish Socialist Party.

The last few days has seen the escalation of the situation with raids on premises and homes, with rank-and-file branch members facing the prospect of being brought before the court because of resolutions passed. Faced with this onslaught, some members of the national council who had previously urged defiance lost their nerve and buckled under pressure. Some NC members had honestly advocated compliance from the outset and I respect that.

While personally relieved to be liberated (for the time being at least), I salute those 60-plus delegates of the national council who remained steadfast and took the difficult option to continue defiance. If I had been in their shoes and someone else had been in mine, I would have voted to continue the defiance.

I have responded to the democratic vote of the SSP's national council and will carry on the battle for confidentiality through legal channels.

Finally, I have to express my disappointment that some delegates, including my old friend, Tommy Sheridan, ignored my heartfelt plea for unity in the face of this onslaught. Tommy Sheridan's intemperate outburst has saddened me and I now appeal to Tommy to come to his senses, withdraw his infantile letter and meet me face to face to thrash out these issues.