
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

After the court victory, civil war begins in earnest

10 Aug 2006

Peter Manson comments on what awaits the Scottish Socialist Party in the aftermath of Tommy Sheridan's court victory

What sort of 'Marxist party'?

03 Aug 2006

A new formation must avoid from the start all the failings of the Trotskyist sects, writes Mike Macnair

Keeping silent over 'offensive' film

03 Aug 2006

Huw Bynon reports on the protests surrounding the film version of Monica Ali's novel Brick Lane - and wonders why Respect and the Socialist Workers Party will not comment

Nationalist myths are not Marxism

27 Jul 2006

Jack Conrad argues against the Scottish Socialist Party's claim that Scotland is an oppressed nation, an English colony. Prior to the 1707 Act of Union Scotland was not a nation

Defending national socialism is not Marxism

20 Jul 2006

Jack Conrad begins an extensive reply to Bob Goupillot with an examination of the principle of 'one state, one party' and its history

Different roads to unity

20 Jul 2006

Should 'one state, one party' be applied to Britain in current political circumstances? Bob Goupillot of the Republican Communist Network (Scotland) and the Scottish Socialist Party argues that the unity of the working class can at present best be served by a separate party for Scotland

Fight where Marxists are

13 Jul 2006

The organisation of a conference by the Critique group to campaign for a new Marxist party is welcome, writes Mike Macnair. But how far it will get is problematic

Chaos in Tower Hamlets Respect

06 Jul 2006

George Galloway had to broker a peace deal with councillors after an anti-SWP coup amongst Respect councillors failed, writes Huw Bynon

A pox on both their houses

29 Jun 2006

The split between the two wings of the Scottish Socialist Party continues to widen. Peter Manson examines latest developments

Bonapartist demagogy in barbed financial appeal

22 Jun 2006

Tommy Sheridan's no-holds-barred letter to Scottish Socialist Party members and below the official diplomatic response distributed by national secretary Allan Green

Battle lines drawn

22 Jun 2006

Tommy Sheridan has launched a Bonapartist power-grab. This weekend's national council looks set to ratchet up tensions even further, writes Peter Manson

Bitter fruits of personality politics

15 Jun 2006

SSP member Nick Rogers gives his view of the crisis engulfing the party. Tommy Sheridan's celebrity status should have been tackled decisively at an early stage

Defend SSP's Alan McCombes

08 Jun 2006

Earlier this week the Scottish Socialist Party's press and policy coordinator Alan McCombes was found guilty of contempt and fined £500. But he will have to pay costs of around £45,000 in total

Come to your senses

01 Jun 2006

Statement by Alan McCombes on his release from Saughton jail, May 29

Sheridan: SSP is my party

01 Jun 2006

Open letter to SSP members from Tommy Sheridan headed 'Yes to class solidarity and socialist unity. No to political witch-hunts and personal character assassinations' and dated May 28

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