
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Political poverty

22 Jun 1995

The left looks to Labour to deliver a minimum wage

Labour, Tory - both rotten to the core!

22 Jun 1995

First the Tory mafia, now the Labour mafia. All the Labour councillors on the Monklands East district council have been suspended from the party, accused of dishing out ‘jobs for the boys’ and granting sectarian favours. Why should we hand power to any of these corrupt hypocrites?

Another stab in the union back

15 Jun 1995

Healthworkers’ unity sabotaged

15 Jun 1995

The limitations of the ‘official’ trade union movement have been made obvious over the last few weeks. The RCN wants to go it alone, while the Unison leadership is now having cosy chats with Virginia Bottomley. We need a drastically different approach

Left apologists

08 Jun 1995

The Labour left gives unanimous support to imperialism's blue berets

Stevenage offered champagne champion

08 Jun 1995

Students say no to loans

01 Jun 1995

Neither fit for the job

01 Jun 1995

Establishment mourns one of its own

01 Jun 1995

From the left to the right the politicians of the capitalist class lavished praise on Harold Wilson

NUT stitch-up

25 May 1995

Anti-racist careerist’s fall from grace

25 May 1995

Sinking in sleaze

25 May 1995

This week has seen the Tories collapse into a sewer of sleaze and confusion. They are reduced to saving their own skins and quite clearly the party is unfit to govern, even by capitalist standards. Rupert Murdoch would be happy with a change of government, and perhaps even the Iron Lady will consider leaving the sinking Tory ship after Blair praised her so eloquently last month. But the working class needs to get rid of the whole stinking system, not replace Tory sleaze-balls with Labour ones

Labour woos the bosses

18 May 1995

After the clause

11 May 1995

New Labour turns to liberalism. The left must turn from Labourism

With friends like these ...

27 Apr 1995

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