
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Snoopers' charter

20 Jul 1995

Left relives World War II

20 Jul 1995

Message from Lenin

20 Jul 1995

From The Call, paper of the British Socialist Party, July 22 1920

Blair attacks welfare as bosses’ pay soars

20 Jul 1995

As the bosses agree that they are worth every penny of the millions they pay themselves, more and more they are looking to Tony Blair’s ‘new Labour’ to screw down even harder on workers

Labour Party’s finest hour

13 Jul 1995

Attlee butchered workers’ hopes

Labour evicts unemployed

13 Jul 1995

Labour attacks workers

06 Jul 1995

Unhealthy consensus

06 Jul 1995

Health secretary: new face, same attacks

Major or Blair, the gun will turn on us

06 Jul 1995

John Major lives to fight another day. But he will now be forced to appease the rabid ‘hard right’ and attack the working class with renewed determination. That appeasement may be short-lived, but Tony Blair may succeed where Major has failed in uniting rightwing prejudice behind him

Flexible Labour

29 Jun 1995

End of the Tory road

29 Jun 1995

Whatever the outcome of the Tory election contest, Blair’s New Labour looks set for government. How should the revolutionary left prepare?

Tailing the Tory school agenda

29 Jun 1995

Lesser evil wins

29 Jun 1995

Labour prepares to step into Tory shoes

29 Jun 1995

This week the proverbial Tory boil burst. The Tories cannot save themselves by lancing the Europhobe boils, as they would have us believe. The party is disintegrating from top to bottom and is increasingly a blight on workers’ lives. Who knows what will happen to their disastrous leader. The real question is what will happen after the Tory collapse

Hospital red alert

22 Jun 1995

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