
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Labour and Tory onslaught: Council workers under attack

04 Apr 1996

Plans by Tory-controlled Brent council to press ahead with the de-recognition of Unison need to be answered loud and clear

Menshevism in microcosm

21 Mar 1996

Because they represent a real movement of the working class the Socialist Labour Party and Socialist Alliances have thrown into sharp relief the theoretical and programmatic limitations of many revolutionaries. The Trotskyite group, Workers Power, provides a case study

Joint campaign refused

21 Mar 1996

From 'The Workers’ Weekly', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, March 19 1926

Socialist crusade

21 Mar 1996

Dundee raises the flag

Anti-worker agenda spelled out

14 Mar 1996

Working class votes should not be wasted on Labour

Why I joined the SLP

14 Mar 1996

Healthcare SOS

14 Mar 1996

Council cuts demand national action

14 Mar 1996

Workers have taken to the streets in Scotland, London and around the country against Tory government cuts, ably assisted by Labour councils

Source of dynamism

07 Mar 1996

To mark IWWD, Linda Addison spoke to Siobhan McLoughlin, a leading comrade in the CPGB, about the chasm which divides the Labour Party’s attitude to women in the Party and the Communist Party’s attitude. In this divide we can see the way forward for women’s liberation against the vicious attacks the Labour Party has made on the working class in the past and its future plans

Abolish the monarchy

07 Mar 1996

The Labour Party is too scared to even criticise the monarchy, let alone abolish it. Only revolutionaries can lead the fight for real democracy

Scottish Councils should resign or fight

29 Feb 1996

Loyal servants of imperialism

29 Feb 1996

Tory and Labour speak with one voice

Debating the SLP

29 Feb 1996

“Getting the ear of the class”

22 Feb 1996

Anne Murphy spoke to Wally Kennedy, Militant Labour councillor in Hillingdon which has recently gained another ML councillor, Julia Leonard

SLP comes to Glasgow

22 Feb 1996

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