
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Contemptible document

12 Jan 2017

William Sarsfield of Labour Party Marxists looks at the new Lansman constitution

Reduced to a corpse?

12 Jan 2017

We knew it was coming, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists, but the sheer cynicism of Jon Lansman’s coup is staggering

Corbyn intervenes ... on wrong side

22 Dec 2016

Labour Party Marxists are proposing a transparent, simple and effective draft constitution

Refendarii dolosi

22 Dec 2016

Mike Macnair exposes the anti-democratic nature of referendums, including the membership ‘survey’ just sent out by Lansman & Co

Fit for a dictator

15 Dec 2016

Allies of Jon Lansman have produced a draft constitution for Momentum. William Sarsfield takes a look

Punished for Brexit muddle

15 Dec 2016

In, out or what? Eddie Ford is still unsure about Jeremy Corbyn’s position on Europe

A false narrative

15 Dec 2016

The current Momentum crisis has nothing to do with age, Trotsky or even the voting method to be used at conference, says Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists. It is about who controls Momentum and for what political ends

Election season is on

15 Dec 2016

Divisions are multiplying in the cabinet - but it would be foolish to underestimate the strength of Theresa May’s position, argues Paul Demarty

The nuclear option

08 Dec 2016

While Jon Lansman considers ending it all, the left majority needs to press home its advantage, urges Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Grappling with new situation

08 Dec 2016

Peter Manson reports on the December 4 meeting of members of the CPGB and Labour Party Marxists

Not a private matter

24 Nov 2016

Instead of ducking the question, writes Eddie Ford, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell should be fighting for republican democracy

Confused reformism

24 Nov 2016

Hillel Ticktin lambasts the shadow chancellor’s economic timidity

A comedy of errors

17 Nov 2016

Attempts to undertand the history of the CPGB and its leadership of the National Left Wing Movement in the 1920s are far from satisfactory, writes Lawrence Parker

Silence is as good as compliance

17 Nov 2016

Iain McNicol has banned discussion of Zionism, anti-Semitism and the internal witch-hunt, reports Tony Greenstein

Banned motion

17 Nov 2016

Motion banned by the Labour Party prefaced by complaint about the decision

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