
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Copenhagen launch

21 Jun 2007

North East to Far East

21 Jun 2007

Who killed off the movement?

21 Jun 2007

Torab Saleth of Workers Left Unity Iran points the finger at the SWP for its pro-Tehran apologetics

Berlin solidarity

21 Jun 2007

From Halifax to Fiji

14 Jun 2007

Steve Cooke reports on the latest news from the Hands Off the People of Iran campaign

More poverty, more missiles

14 Jun 2007

Ostentatious and pompous as ever, the 33rd G8 summit took place from June 6 to June 8 at the Kempinski Grand Hotel in Heiligendamm on the Baltic. Jim Moody reports

Compromised 'opposition'

14 Jun 2007

Mark Fischer comments on the imperial economism of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, which is most crassly expressed in the organisation's refusal to call for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq

Academics and trade unionists sign up

07 Jun 2007

Steve Cooke on the latest news and signatories of Hands Off the People of Iran

Solidarity signatories

25 May 2007

Steve Cooke reports the latest from the Hands Off People of Iran campaign

Genuine solidarity

17 May 2007

Anne Mc Shane reports on the successful launch of Hands Off the People of Iran in Ireland

Latest supporters

17 May 2007

US-Iran talks

11 May 2007

After weeks of anticipation and with the expected media hype, the first official meeting between Iran's Islamic republic and the United States in nearly 30 years took place in Baghdad this week. Yassamine Mather reports

Rabbi and punk poet

11 May 2007

Defiance grows

03 May 2007

Immediately after the London May Day demonstration, Hands Off the People of Iran held a public meeting near Trafalgar Square. Hopi activist Torab Saleth introduced the discussion

Army 'defends secularism'

03 May 2007

Esen Uslu reports from Turkey on the threat of yet another military intervention

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