
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

'Don't criticise Iranian regime'

26 Apr 2007

At the April 19 activists' meeting of Campaign Iran, our call for principled internationalism was met with SWP-backed nationalist accusations of displaying an "imperial and colonial" viewpoint, which was "catastrophic for the people of Iran". Tina Becker reports

Release Mahmoud Salehi

26 Apr 2007

Dance of death

19 Apr 2007

The US and its UK junior partner have proved unable to rebuild Iraq into a 'normal' society. But what happens now that the US-UK is staring defeat in the face? Will it mean peace? A massive airborne strike against Iran is becoming more and more likely, warns Jim Moody

HOPI gains support

19 Apr 2007

The Hands Off the People of Iran campaign staged an effective intervention at this week's Scottish Trades Union Congress in Glasgow. Marcila Gharib reports

Hostage crisis and reactionary schemes

12 Apr 2007

Without doubt, Iran's capture of the 15 UK sailors and marines - and then their eventual high-profile release - was a humiliation for British imperialism. And the subsequent row about whether some of the service members, especially Faye Turnway, should have sold their story to the mass media for large amounts of money has further soiled the entire incident for many in the UK establishment. Eddie Ford comments

SWP backs the mullahs - official

12 Apr 2007

The Socialist Workers Party-backed Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (Casmii) effectively operates as an apologist for the regime sitting in Tehran, says Eddie Ford

Wales launch

12 Apr 2007

Bob Davies reports on the launch of the Hands Off the People of Iran campaign in Cardiff

Double standards in London and Tehran

12 Apr 2007

In the furore over the capture of British sailors and marines and their theatrical release by Iran's islamic regime, a number of essential points seem to have been forgotten by the British media, and even by so-called anti-war broadsheets, says Yassamine Mather

My enemy's enemy

05 Apr 2007

While the establishment celebrates the 25th anniversary of the British victory in the Falklands war, Jim Moody looks back at the role of the left

Legitimising anti-semitism

29 Mar 2007

As the Israel lobby comes under unprecedented attack in the US and George Soros is described as "a cog in the Hitlerite wheel", Gilad Atzmon and his friends continue to peddle conspiracy theories, writes Tony Greenstein

Change does not come through invasions

29 Mar 2007

Contrary to what some in the John for Leader camp have suggested, John McDonnell himself has unambiguously expressed not only his ongoing solidarity with Iranian workers, students, women and democrats, but his continued support for the Hands Off the People of Iran campaign. Steve Cooke reports

Gift for militarist faction

29 Mar 2007

Last week, when the militarist faction in the Iranian regime realised they had captured 15 British marines and sailors, it must have seemed like a gift from heaven. Yassamine Mather reports

Solidarity with Iran needs a fight on two fronts

22 Mar 2007

Last week, tens of thousands of Iranian teachers went on strike, demanding an increase in their miserable wages and the resignation of the education minister. In Tehran over a thousand were arrested. Tina Becker also reports on the efforts of the Hands Off the People of Iran campaign to get more organisations involved

Braving death threats

15 Mar 2007

On February 26, the notorious Jihadist Ansar al-Islam group, based in Kurdistan/Iraq, sent a death threat to Iraqi socialist and women's rights activist Houzan Mahmoud, representative abroad of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq. The email - imaginatively titled 'Kill' - reads: "With the permission of great god, we will kill you either in Iraq or in London by the middle of March, because you are campaigning against islam. You should be sent to god for punishment." Houzan spoke to the Weekly Worker about the threat and her campaigning work that has provoked it.

Confident beginning

01 Mar 2007

Hands Off the People of Iran had its official launch in Covent Garden following the February 24 anti-war demonstration. Anne Mc Shane reports

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