
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Lies will not help the anti-war movement

04 Nov 2010

Ben Lewis reports on the Stop the War Coalition's annual conference, where underhand methods were once again deployed to reject the affiliation of Hands Off the People of Iran

Let Hopi affiliate

28 Oct 2010

The leadership of the STWC not only divides the anti-war movement, but risks discrediting it and making it appear ridiculous, writes Mark Fischer

Adding a new dimension

28 Oct 2010

Yassamine Mather of Hands Off the People of Iran is standing for the STWC steering committee. This is her election statement

Imperialist crimes exposed

28 Oct 2010

Rather than democracy, the US/UK-led invasion and occupation of Iraq delivered a bloodbath. Eddie Ford looks at the Wikileaks revelations

Road to nowhere "“ the never ending 'peace talks'

07 Oct 2010

Tony Greenstein examines a war by other means

Why I am not an Israeli peace activist

07 Oct 2010

Genuine socialists fight against the Zionist project, writes Moshé Machover

Sanctions siege turns into cyberwarfare

07 Oct 2010

The Stuxnet virus is a new form of warfare. Instead of Iran being attacked by planes and missiles it has been USBs. Yassamine Mather reports

Tea Party: rumblings on the frenzied right

30 Sep 2010

Jim Creegan reports from the United States on the polarisation of politics and an increasingly frenzied middle class

Election lows and UN forces

23 Sep 2010

The US-UK-led occupation of Afghanistan has never had anything to do with democracy, writes Eddie Ford

Spin and lies in US

23 Sep 2010

Yassamine Mather exposes the concerted efforts of the Islamic regime against Iranian women

Batting for Iranian workers

02 Sep 2010

Kelly King congratulates everyone on a friendly match that raised a thousand pounds

Apologists for 'war on terror'

26 Aug 2010

Tony Greenstein reviews Yitzhak Laor's 'The myths of liberal Zionism' Verso, 2009, pp192, £14.99

Official: Gaza is a prison camp

05 Aug 2010

Tony Greenstein sees a Palestinian David versus an Israeli Goliath

BP, Libya and the national interest

29 Jul 2010

Peter Manson looks at the furore over the release of the 'Lockerbie bomber'

Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

15 Jul 2010

As the US steps up it efforts to provoke regime change from above, Yassamine Mather looks at the reasons for the failure of the working class to win leadership of the opposition movement

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