
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

No imperialist interventions

03 Mar 2011

Communists oppose western meddling in Libya, writes Eddie Ford. Rather it is the masses themselves who must overthrow the Gaddafi regime

Successful strike

24 Feb 2011

Yassamine Mather reports Kurdish towns and cities closed down

Self-determination and the fight for a socialist state

24 Feb 2011

The Communist Party of Iran is an ex-Maoist organisation, which now states it is 'closer to Trotskyism'. On his recent trip to Iraqi Kurdistan, Rozh Ahmad visited the camp run by Komalah, the CPI grouping in Kurdistan, and spoke to Hassan Rahman Panah, a member of its central committee

Nuclear dangers and capabilities

24 Feb 2011

With the decline of US hegemony and the loss of its ally in Egypt Moshé Machover fears that Israel could react irrationally and launch a spectacular attack on Iran

Goodbye to Gaddafi

24 Feb 2011

He may still be admired by sections of the left, writes Eddie Ford. But we would wholeheartedly welcome the fall of Gaddafi in what is the first armed uprising in the Arab revolution

Release all political prisoners

24 Feb 2011

John McDonnell MP launched the new campaign, 'Free Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners in Iran', at the February 12 annual conference of Hands Off the People of Iran

Thirty years of reaction

17 Feb 2011

Ruben Markarian of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran addressed the Hopi AGM

Renewing solidarity

17 Feb 2011

James Turley reports on the annual conference of Hands Off the People of Iran

Mubarak has gone but mass protests continue

17 Feb 2011

Egyptian working class needs to arm itself with a programme of extreme democracy, writes Eddie Ford

Contamination spreads

17 Feb 2011

Yassamine Mather reports on the effects of the Egyptian upsurge

Death to the Islamic Republic

17 Feb 2011

Report posted by the leftwing Bazr student group

Fear of the masses

10 Feb 2011

There is one thing that unites Israel, Hamas and Fatah, writes Tony Greenstein - opposition to the Egyptian revolution

Stepping up solidarity

10 Feb 2011

John McDonnell MP will launch a new campaign at the Hands Off the People of Iran annual conference this coming Saturday (February 12), reports Yassamine Mather

Revolution in permanence

10 Feb 2011

As vice-president Omar Suleiman threatens an army coup, the workers needs to push the democratic revolution further and further, deeper and deeper, writes Eddie Ford

The religious right and genocide

03 Feb 2011

Tony Greenstein looks at sections of Israel's orthodox rabbinate and makes a less than flattering comparison

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