
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

The forgotten war

09 Nov 2023

Ukraine demonstrates how the sun is beginning to set on the US empire, argues Daniel Lazare. And now there is Gaza and the danger of a general conflagration in the Middle East

Anatomy of genocide

09 Nov 2023

Targeting of health infrastructure is definite policy. Ian Spencer assesses the terrible human cost of the Israeli assault since October 7

Digging to resist

02 Nov 2023

The Gaza metro of underground tunnels presents a formidable challenge for the Israeli killing machine. In this case, writes Eddie Ford, the weak might just overcome the strong

What happened to solidarity?

02 Nov 2023

Anne McShane celebrates the fellow feeling with the Palestinians and notes the drift of Sinn Féin into the mainstream pro-Israel consensus

A potent cause

02 Nov 2023

Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza creates complex problems for the dictatorial regimes in the region. Yassamine Mather examines the different responses both from above and below

Doubling down on genocide

02 Nov 2023

Sir Keir’s Chatham House speech shows exactly where he stands. But, asks Kevin Bean, where will the official Labour left go, given the massive popular movement against Israel’s war on Gaza? An uncertain tincture of courage combines with continued fear for careers and expense accounts

Declaring moral bankruptcy

02 Nov 2023

Our leaders cannot justify Israel’s war on the Palestinians, writes Paul Demarty, so they slander protestors and try to suppress dissent in their own ranks

A Jewish crisis

02 Nov 2023

Zionism ≠ Judaism. Daniel Lazare looks at the effect that Israel’s oppression of Palestine is having on American Jews - as more and more of them join protests against the threat of genocide in Gaza

Rhetoric and double talk

26 Oct 2023

How will the Islamic Republic react to Gaza? Yassamine Mather explains why the masses are for the moment largely passive and how that could easily change

Joe Biden’s two-front war

26 Oct 2023

Economically more and more debt, diplomatically more and more enemies, militarily more and more wars. Daniel Lazare sees imperial overload

Unprecedented numbers for Palestine

26 Oct 2023

Ryan Frost gives his impressions of the demonstrations and why it is vital to go beyond the essentially circular politics of protest

Etymology of terror

26 Oct 2023

Accusations of terrorism have become all but meaningless. Paul Demarty examines the strategy, tactics and hypocrisy of the T-word

Expect the worst

26 Oct 2023

October 7 was a disaster for the Palestinian people because it has created the conditions for yet another round of ethnic cleansing. There is also the danger, argues Moshé Machover, of a wider regional conflagration

Genocide in Gaza

26 Oct 2023

Electricity cut off, no petrol, an absence of drinkable water, together with grotesquely reduced healthcare, all point in one direction, warns Ian Spencer

Week in the hall of mirrors

19 Oct 2023

Reporting of Israel’s assault on Gaza provides an object lesson in how the bourgeois media works, argues Paul Demarty

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