
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Joining the living dead

04 Jan 2024

Carla Roberts wishes she was surprised that Jon Lansman has joined the Jewish Labour Movement

CPGB Provisional Central Committee: Statement on Israel-Gaza war

04 Jan 2024

Notes on the war

14 Dec 2023

With the failure of Zelensky’s offensive there can be no doubt that there is a stalemate now. Perfect conditions for unofficial ceasefires and fraternisation, argues Jack Conrad

Far from pacified

07 Dec 2023

There can be no possibility of a military solution in Gaza. October 7 was a death trip, argues Daniel Lazare

Zionist drives and divisions

07 Dec 2023

Eradicating Hamas provides a useful cover, but everything points to ethnic cleansing, says Moshé Machover

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

07 Dec 2023

Jack Conrad looks at MAB, its internal power struggles, its relationship to the British state and its encounters with the popular-frontist left. Last of three articles

Cowards, careerists and Corbyn diehards

23 Nov 2023

Momentum MP Navendu Mishra claims to be in favour of a Gaza ceasefire. Despite that he followed Starmer’s orders to abstain, reports Carla Roberts

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

23 Nov 2023

In the first of three articles, Jack Conrad looks at the origins, evolution and current reality of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain, Egypt and internationally

Zionism needs anti-Semitism

23 Nov 2023

John Hagee’s turn as a key speaker caused much liberal consternation - he is, after all, a notorious anti‑Semite. Daniel Lazare comments on the aftermath of the huge pro-Israel demonstration in Washington DC

March of time

16 Nov 2023

There were peaceful multitudes from front to end. Ian Spencer reports on London’s giant demonstration

Success brings challenges

16 Nov 2023

There is a need to struggle against peaceful co-existence between factions, insists Anne McShane - an observer at last weekend’s Marxist Unity Group congress

Hamas and its backers

16 Nov 2023

Plenty of talk, but precious little action. Gaza offers the opportunity for the Arab masses to rise up and overthrow their own governments, writes Yassamine Mather

Aim for deZionisation

16 Nov 2023

Israel is a work colony based on an ideology of blood and soil. Mike Macnair gets to grips with the logic and history of ethnic cleansing and expansionism

Anti-Semitism and other lies

16 Nov 2023

Accusations against the Palestinian solidarity movement of hating Jews qua Jews are obvious nonsense, says Paul Demarty. Many Jews support the Palestinian cause and are welcomed and cheered

Towards a vanguard party

09 Nov 2023

Left forces made some real advances and the right is now on the back foot. Joseph Perez of the Marxist Unity Group reflects on the 2023 national convention

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