
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Defending neutrality

03 Aug 2023

What are so-called socialists doing upholding the foreign policy of their ‘own’ bourgeois state? Anne McShane upholds the principles of international socialism

The truth is elsewhere

03 Aug 2023

David Grusch - a whistleblower on secret government projects to recover and reverse-engineer extraterrestrial spacecraft - has testified before the House Subcommittee on National Security. Paul Demarty investigates the latest alien visitation to Washington

Double standards on show

27 Jul 2023

While the morality police are back on patrol, top figures in the regime are renowned for preaching one thing and doing another, writes Yassamine Mather

Meanwhile the economic war

27 Jul 2023

Ending the Black Sea grain corridor has put Erdoğan’s government under intense diplomatic pressure, writes Esen Uslu

Their fantasy, our nightmare

20 Jul 2023

Ukraine’s offensive is getting nowhere and when a compromise is eventually reached Zelensky will be in deep trouble, argues Daniel Lazare

Sir Keir’s abstention disgrace

13 Jul 2023

Labour’s official left either meekly followed orders or stayed away - there were less than a dozen rebels. David Porter of Labour Party Marxists reports

Skin colour or social class?

13 Jul 2023

Liberal anti-racism inevitably engenders racism. Affirmative action is collapsing under the weight of its own internal contradictions, argues Daniel Lazare

King Brinkman in action

13 Jul 2023

Erdoğan has run out of room for manoeuvre. Facing a major financial crisis, he had to accept Sweden’s Nato membership and pivot away from Moscow. Esen Uslu thinks there will be consequences, however

MEK’s strange journey

06 Jul 2023

Nowadays they are the darlings of the neocon right, but most consider them a loony cult. Yassamine Mather traces the evolution of the ‘holy war’ fighters

Enemies of the people

06 Jul 2023

Kevin Bean asks why delays, objections and challenges to the Illegal Migration Bill are far from unwelcome to the Tories

Both sides cracking

29 Jun 2023

Russia is not the only major power that is feeling the strain, argues Daniel Lazare . The US is too

Notes on the war

29 Jun 2023

Putin is in real trouble - the Wagnerite rebellion testifies to political, military and strategic failure, argues Jack Conrad

An unofficial deal?

22 Jun 2023

Iran and the United States seem to be talking about the nuclear issues again. Yassamine Mather reports on the latest round of diplomatic negotiations and manoeuvres

Dreadful notes of preparation

08 Jun 2023

Yassamine Mather looks at the high-stakes diplomatic game being played out and the danger of cold war turning into a hot war

Notes on the war

08 Jun 2023

With Kyiv’s long-trailed military offensive now seemingly underway, Jack Conrad warns that we should still expect a prolonged, bitter war of attrition and eventually a US attempt to encircle and strangle China

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