
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Will there be a deal?

26 Feb 2015

As negotiations continue, Yassamine Mather examines the intricacies of Middle East relations

Hypocrisy abounds

29 Jan 2015

Yassamine Mather can hardly believe the sickening tributes being paid to the Saudi tyrant

CIA roots of Islamist fundamentalism

15 Jan 2015

Did outrage caused by the provocations of an irreverent magazine provoke the Paris attacks? Yassamine Mather looks beyond this simplistic myth

Disastrous legacy

08 Jan 2015

Why do some on the left call for the west to step up its intervention against IS? Yassamine Mather looks at the results of past efforts

Reabsorbing solidarity

18 Dec 2014

The 1914 Christmas truce has been thoroughly sanitised by the establishment, argues Paul Demarty

The masses bear the brunt

27 Nov 2014

Yassamine Mather assesses the latest extension of negotiations between Iran and the 5+1 powers

A war that nobody wants to mention

30 Oct 2014

No-one in Turkey wants to celebrate what happened in 1914-18, writes Esen Uslu. But when it comes to the glory days of the Ottoman empire things are different

Those who side with imperialism

23 Oct 2014

Patrick Smith exposes spurious justifications and disastrous results

Models and humanitarian myths

16 Oct 2014

Die Linke is plumbing ever greater opportunist depths, writes Ben Lewis

WWI: How did it all happen?

09 Oct 2014

Douglas Newton The darkest days: the truth behind Britain’s rush to war, 1914 Verso, 2014, pp386, £20

The IS conundrum

09 Oct 2014

The siege of Kobanê raises more questions than it answers, writes Yassamine Mather

Tied to the national state

02 Oct 2014

Support for Germany’s 1914-18 war effort did not just come from the right. As shown by Konrad Haenisch’s letter, there was a pro-war left that banked on a German victory in order to bring about socialist revolution

Going soft on the intervention

02 Oct 2014

Fear and hatred of Islamic State has caused some members of the Fourth International to lose their bearings, writes Peter Manson

Kurds left in limbo

25 Sep 2014

The US has begun its bombing campaign in Syria

Zionism: Quest for legitimacy

18 Sep 2014

Israeli communist Moshé Machover examines the significance of Zionist claims that Israel is the ‘nation-state of the Jewish people’

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