
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

US imperialism and Israel’s role

11 Jun 2015

The ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’ is central to the US military-industrial complex, observes Moshé Machover

Hegemon in decline

04 Jun 2015

In his speech to the May 30, Hands Off the People of Iran day school, Mike Macnair looked at the inconsistencies of US strategy in the Middle East

Islamism, Israel and imperialism

04 Jun 2015

Why is the Middle East in turmoil? Daniel Harvey reports on the day school organised by Hands Off the People of Iran

Least of Khamenei’s problems

28 May 2015

The US bears the main responsibility for the current situation in Iraq and Syria, writes Yassamine Mather

A hundred years of denial

07 May 2015

Esen Uslu reports on the centenary of the Armenian genocide

King promotes his favourites

07 May 2015

What is the significance of the power struggle within the Saudi dynasty? Yassamine Mather investigates

Children of ayatollahs flaunt their wealth

30 Apr 2015

In the wake of the Lausanne nuclear deal, the question of economic inequality has become central, writes Yassamine Mather

Will the deal bring peace?

09 Apr 2015

Yassamine Mather examines the prospects following the Lausanne agreement

Ready to drink from the poisoned cup?

02 Apr 2015

While Iran’s negotiators haggle, the supreme leader is using Shia advances in Iraq and the Houthi civil war in Yemen to divert attention from a possible beyond-the-wire nuclear deal in Lausanne. Yassamine Mather reports on latest developments

The crown under the turban

26 Mar 2015

Who will come out on top, as the deadline for a nuclear deal approaches? Yassamine Mather looks at the latest claims being made about the Islamic regime

Why the right won

26 Mar 2015

Tony Greenstein welcomes the lack of hypocrisy in the new Israeli government, if nothing else

Searching for a pretext

26 Mar 2015

What lay behind the election?In this edited transcript of a talk delivered to a Communist Platform meeting on March 22, Moshé Machover looks at Netanyahu’s motives

Meaningless noise

12 Mar 2015

Workers Power has made a strange new ally. Daniel Harvey reports

Polarisation continues to grow

05 Mar 2015

Tony Greenstein thinks that the chances of a Labour-led coalition are slim

Netanyahu’s double gamble

05 Mar 2015

Calling the general election is partially the result of the dissonance between Washington and Jerusalem, writes Moshé Machover

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