
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Dangerous times

09 Nov 2017

The United States and Saudi Arabia seem to be readying for war against Iran, writes Yassamine Mather

Iran, Kurdistan and the left

03 Nov 2017

How can we achieve principled communist unity in the Middle East? We spoke to Mohammad Reza Shalgouni, a member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)

Centrepiece of imperial strategy

03 Nov 2017

On the centenary of the Balfour declaration, Tony Greenstein looks at the reasons underlying British support for Zionism

Six degrees of Harvey Weinstein

19 Oct 2017

What does the downfall of one of the film industry’s most powerful men tell us? Paul Demarty investigates

Redrawing the map

19 Oct 2017

Why is Trump abandoning the nuclear deal? Yassamine Mather looks beyond the rhetoric

Still on the cards

12 Oct 2017

A US attack on Iran is far from impossible, warns Yassamine Mather

Abolish the standing army, establish a citizen force

05 Oct 2017

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists takes issue with shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry and the repentant Trotskyite, Paul Mason

Heading for chaos

28 Sep 2017

Yassamine Mather looks at the reaction to the independence referendum

Poisoned fudge

28 Sep 2017

Mike Macnair explains why NEC concessions to the JLM will only serve to whet the right’s appetite

New assault on migrants

21 Sep 2017

Trump’s latest moves emphasise once again the need for the left to get its act together, writes Peter Moody

Nationalism and imperial power

14 Sep 2017

The Kurdish independence referendum is not a welcome development, writes Yassamine Mather

Not enforcing juche

14 Sep 2017

In the last analysis North Korea’s ‘rogue state’ status results from US strategic requirements, writes Mike Macnair

Don’t abandon Palestinian cause

07 Sep 2017

The National Policy Forum wants to end Labour’s opposition to the occupation, writes Tony Greenstein

Left wing of the permissible

07 Sep 2017

As the Democratic Socialists of America begin to make an impact, Jim Creegan analyses the politics of its founder, Michael Harrington

Possibilities and challenges

07 Sep 2017

Are Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn and Marine Le Pen from the same mould? Kevin Bean completes his analysis

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