
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Trump’s reality show

15 Mar 2018

North Korea’s nuclear strategy appears to have been vindicated, writes Eddie Ford

Racist by definition

15 Mar 2018

Tony Greenstein explains why Israel’s government is introducing a Jewish nation-state law

Negotiating with guns

08 Mar 2018

Donald Trump’s tariffs are about politics, not economic renaissance, argues Paul Demarty

Conflicts on many fronts

08 Mar 2018

Despite the popularity of Turkish actions in Syria, Cyprus and the Aegean, the ruling AKP is forced to seek allies at home, writes Esen Uslu

The role of ideology

08 Mar 2018

At the end of the day the religious state functions in a way not dissimilar to that of the liberal bourgeoisie in the west, argues Yassamine Mather

Arms and the man

01 Mar 2018

The question of gun control is not as straightforward as it may appear, writes Mike Macnair

‘Wrong sort’ of privatisation

01 Mar 2018

In the first of two articles, Yassamine Mather examines the development of Iran’s economy since the Islamic revolution

Turkish armed forces meet determined resistance

22 Feb 2018

‘Operation Olive Branch’ has given rise to increased repression and an intense outburst of chauvinism, writes Esen Uslu

Expelled for opposing Zionism

22 Feb 2018

Tony Greenstein reports back from his disciplinary hearing

Two-faced hypocrisy

08 Feb 2018

The Ahed Tamimi affair exposes the failure of western feminism to oppose Zionism and imperialism, writes Tony Greenstein

Earthquakes and H-bombs

08 Feb 2018

Paul Demarty reports on the heightening drama of US politics

Just and progressive struggle

08 Feb 2018

No to neoliberal feminism, yes to women’s rights. Yassamine Mather calls for the left to support the anti-hijab protests

Davos and the Donald

01 Feb 2018

Trump’s appearance saw him demand a change in the rules, says Michael Roberts

Counting the costs

01 Feb 2018

For all their anti-western slogans, there is nothing ‘radical’ in any of the Tehran regime factions, writes Yassamine Mather

Being black is their only crime

01 Feb 2018

Thousands of Israelis are attempting to stop the deportation of African refugees, reports Tony Greenstein

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