
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Extending an ‘olive branch’

25 Jan 2018

What lies behind the incursion into Syria? Esen Uslu looks behind the headlines

No to unprincipled alliances

25 Jan 2018

Iranian workers should be careful about who they associate with, argues Yassamine Mather

Chuck Schumer’s long lunch

25 Jan 2018

It is the paralysis of rightwing Democrats which the three-day government shutdown exposes, not the White House, argues Paul Demarty

Is Trumpism the future?

18 Jan 2018

Yes, the US president is widely derided, writes Mike Macnair, but does he represent an alternative to the neoliberal ‘equalities’ agenda?

With the protestors

11 Jan 2018

Yassamine Mather counters the current misinformation about events

Past and present

11 Jan 2018

Some on the left seem to have learnt something. But, argues Andrew Bowker, the fight for anti-imperialist solidarity must be stepped up - particularly in the Labour Party

Falsely accused of anti-Semitism

11 Jan 2018

Moshé Machover - recently reinstated into the Labour Party - has written this testimony on behalf of Tony Greenstein

Fire in the hole

11 Jan 2018

Paul Demarty reviews Michael Wolff Fire and fury: inside the Trump White House (Little, Brown 2018) pp336, £14.99

False history and lip service

14 Dec 2017

Far from aiding the ‘peace process’, writes Yassamine Mather, Trump’s Jerusalem announcement will act as an encouragement to Israeli expansionism

Descent into farce

30 Nov 2017

Yassamine Mather reports on crown prince Salman’s latest attempts to stoke up conflict

Zionism and holocaust abuse

30 Nov 2017

It is completely legitimate to draw comparisons with the Nazis, insists Tony Greenstein

New alliance against Iran

23 Nov 2017

In response to Trump’s ever more bellicose anti-Iran campaign, Putin has strengthened Russia’s links with the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah axis of resistance. The world is getting ever more dangerous, warns Yassamine Mather

Quoting Nazis to damn ‘the Zionists’

16 Nov 2017

From Solidarity November 8 2017

Both sides of the witch-hunt

16 Nov 2017

It is not anti-Semitic to refer to the mutual praise exchanged between the Nazis and Zionists. Tony Greenstein examines the AWL’s political schizophrenia

Drum beat of war

16 Nov 2017

Beirut is now the focus of the burgeoning Saudi-Iranian rivalry, writes Yassamine Mather

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