
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Get out of Zionist ghetto

24 Feb 2022

Communists say national liberation is a task of the working class. Tony Greenstein takes issue with the left Zionism of Daniel Lazare

Main enemy is at home

17 Feb 2022

When it comes to Ukraine, writes Eddie Ford, what matters is not territorial integrity, but the danger of generalised war in Europe

BDS: for or against?

17 Feb 2022

Israeli settler-colonialism and the appropriate solidarity movement with the Palestinians were debated at the February 13 Online Communist Forum. Daniel Lazare argued that the BDS campaign is a cross-class popular front which therefore should be shunned. Mike Macnair stressed the US alliance with Israel, attempts to outlaw BDS and the ongoing witch-hunt against anti-Zionists in the Labour Party

Facts on the ground

10 Feb 2022

Eddie Ford argues that supporting Ukrainian self-determination, without taking into account Nato expansionism and the rights of the Russian minority, effectively means backing US imperialist interests

Behind Israeli apartheid

10 Feb 2022

Amnesty International’s moralistic condemnation is totally inadequate. As Moshé Machover has long argued, anachronistic settler-colonialism is the root of Israel’s racist apartheid. Only de-Zionisation can end it

In the final round

03 Feb 2022

Neither Russia nor China can afford to come to the rescue. Yassamine Mather shows that for Iran a great deal hangs on the results of the Vienna negotiations

Fuelling the cauldron

03 Feb 2022

Esen Uslu reports on the short-termist cuts in interest rates and the resulting inflation and political turmoil

Dangling in mid-air

03 Feb 2022

Biden’s whole social programme has fallen victim to the undemocratic Senate. Daniel Lazare warns that there is a distinct danger of a minority regime

Plucky little Kiev

03 Feb 2022

Self-determination is not an absolute principle. We in the western left must train our main fire on our own warmongers, argues Paul Demarty

Remembering and forgetting

03 Feb 2022

James Harvey surveys the Bloody Sunday commemorations, speeches, articles and the left’s none too glorious record

From right to right

27 Jan 2022

Yassamine Mather investigates some of the well-paid ‘independent’ experts and journalists who constantly appear in the western media

Clarifying the Arab Spring

27 Jan 2022

Fouad Mami reviews 'The republic of false truths' by Alaa Al-Aswany (Faber and Faber, London 2021, pp464, £12.79)

Sheer unadulterated murder

27 Jan 2022

Kevin Bean looks back to the events of Bloody Sunday and blames the killings not merely on individual members of the paratroop regiment but those sitting round the cabinet table in Downing Street

On the brink of war?

27 Jan 2022

The US drive to subordinate Russia, not Putin’s imperial ambitions, are the main explanation for any further conflict, argues Paul Demarty

Economy in meltdown

20 Jan 2022

Amid unpaid wages, soaring inflation and daily protests in Iran, the Vienna negotiations drag on, reports Yassamine Mather

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