
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

What hath Zbig wrought?

31 Mar 2022

Zbigniew Brzezinski’s grand strategy is alive and well under Biden, writes Daniel Lazare

Peace-loving liberals for war

31 Mar 2022

The rhetoric of the anti-war movement has been coopted by the war party in the west, argues Paul Demarty

Continuing escalation

31 Mar 2022

Despite the Ukraine war and a pending nuclear deal, Iran is still firmly in Israel’s sights, reports Yassamine Mather

SUPPLEMENT: Imperialism and the state (Part II)

24 Mar 2022

The capitalist state is a form of joint-stock operation. It is, in origin, a joint venture of the bourgeois revolutionaries

Taking a principled position

24 Mar 2022

Yassamine Mather takes to task the left in the Middle East and north Africa over Nato and Russia’s invasion

Putin to the rescue

24 Mar 2022

Ukraine has saved Boris Johnson’s bacon and he knows it, writes Eddie Ford

Key issue is not Russia

24 Mar 2022

Left must oppose the invasion of Ukraine, insists Tony Greenstein, but who bears ultimate responsibility for the carnage?

Nazis? What Nazis?

24 Mar 2022

One thing is clearly missing from the media coverage of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, argues Daniel Lazare

A tale of two wars

24 Mar 2022

As the western powers furiously denounce Russian aggression, they continue to aid and abet the Saudi war in Yemen, writes Paul Demarty

A toxic operation

24 Mar 2022

Paul Houston shines a light on the murky origins of the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

SUPPLEMENT: Imperialism and the state (Part I)

17 Mar 2022

Early, not late, capitalism generated imperialism, and capitalism without the state is impossible

First Iran, now Russia

17 Mar 2022

Sanctions, whether ‘targeted’ or not, inevitably affect the mass of ordinary people, argues Yassamine Mather, while those at the top use them to tighten their grip on power

Triumphalism to pessimism

17 Mar 2022

Does the Russia-Ukraine war epitomise a crisis of liberalism brought about by attacks from the populist right and the so-called anti-scientific left? Perhaps so - but not in the way Francis Fukuyama imagines, suggests Paul Demarty

Drawing clear lines on Ukraine

17 Mar 2022

The war is not just about Russia and Ukraine. Muriel Green reports on the CPGB’s March 12 online members’ meeting

Hypocrisy all round

10 Mar 2022

Moshé Machover highlights the selective condemnations of oppression and explains why Israel’s prime minister can pose as the peacemaker

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