
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Our gun rights too

02 Dec 2021

Despite Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal, Paul Demarty raises three cheers for the US constitution's second amendment

Storm clouds gather

02 Dec 2021

Foreign policy has already been affected by the nosediving lira, but, argues, Esen Uslu, there is also the distinct possibility of mass protests over prices and wages

Exercise in double standards

02 Dec 2021

Joe Biden’s forthcoming ‘summit for democracy’ is all about securing US hegemony, argues Daniel Lazare

Rittenhouse and white backlash

25 Nov 2021

The second amendment provides constitutional cover for a counterrevolutionary army of Boogaloos and freelance ultras, argues Daniel Lazare

From hell to even worse

25 Nov 2021

The so-called migrant crisis results from the imperialist system itself, argues Eddie Ford

In modern times

18 Nov 2021

Capitalism needs an ideological cover for its minority rule, but it also needs the constitutional rule of law. Socialism will be different. Mike Macnair spoke at the Online Communist Forum on November 14. This is an edited version of his talk

Disintegration of Russiagate

18 Nov 2021

Daniel Lazare delves into the murky world of dossiers, secret agents and pro-Democrat conspiracies

Dismal political failings

18 Nov 2021

There can be no excuse for taking money and doing the bidding of neocons and reactionaries. Yassamine Mather savages the so-called ‘people’s tribunal’ which took place in London last week

All workers lose out

11 Nov 2021

With the Democrats going downhill fast, Daniel Lazare looks at the role played by ‘critical race theory’

Bitter fruit of imperialism

04 Nov 2021

Islamist jihadism is a modern, not an ancient, phenomenon. Yassamine Mather looks at causes, social roots and terrible consequences

The proletarian sovereign

04 Nov 2021

Does the USA have a supreme source of authority? Daniel Lazare takes issue with Mike Macnair

Persona non grata

28 Oct 2021

There are mounting tensions with the west and a rocky economy. Turkey’s president is facing challenging times, writes Esen Uslu

Slow-motion civil war

28 Oct 2021

Donald Trump is gearing up to run in 2024 and the ground is already being laid for another coup attempt. It is time for ‘we, the people’ to act, says Daniel Lazare

Modern ancient constitutions

28 Oct 2021

We are agreed: the struggle for political democracy is vital. But more is needed. Mike Macnair answers his common-ground critics

Approaching train wreck

21 Oct 2021

With Donald Trump getting ready to run again in 2024, Joe Biden’s support has collapsed in opinion polls. Daniel Lazare explains why

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