
Capitalism & Crisis > Finance capital

The centrality of labour-power

15 Mar 2012

Moshé Machover begins his examination of the labour theory of value by looking at the preliminaries

New scramble for Africa?

05 Apr 2007

Fifty years after African colonies began to win formal independence from the imperialists Nick Rogers looks at the continent's political and economic significance today

Decline and the transition to socialism

13 Oct 2005

Hillel Ticktin concludes his discussion on the theory of decline by examining its forms as capitalism makes way for a higher society

The theory of decline and capital

06 Oct 2005

In the first of two articles, Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, looks at the rise and fall of different modes of production and the problems of transition and non-transition

Political economy of aid

30 Jun 2005

What lies behind the establishment's 'campaign for Africa'? Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, looks beneath the hype


21 Sep 2000

A decade after the self-collapse of bureaucratic socialism in the USSR and eastern Europe the world's big bankers and the pampered representatives of global capital meet over September 26-28. It is the IMF-World Bank's 55th annual conference and is being held in Prague with much fanfare - not least in order to mark the acceptance of the Czech Republic by the 'international community'.

Uncontrollable forces

24 Sep 1998

Michael Malkin discusses the crisis of global financial markets

Markets in turmoil

30 Oct 1997

After Brown Monday panic set in, as London share dealers were hit by the worldwide slump

Pecking order

23 Jan 1997

Around the left

Crisis waiting to happen

30 Mar 1995


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