
Capitalism & Crisis > Finance capital

The centrality of labour-power

15 Mar 2012

Moshé Machover begins his examination of the labour theory of value by looking at the preliminaries

Financial fictions

08 Apr 2021

What Marx described as the ‘purest and most colossal form of gambling and swindling’ continues today, but on an altogether bigger scale Michael Roberts looks at some recent examples

Dilemmas of great and good

21 Jan 2021

Mainstream economists cannot provide the answers needed to revive a system mired in stagnation. Michael Roberts reports on the annual gathering of the American Economic Association

A rent-seeking economy?

03 Oct 2019

The problem lies not in ‘financialisation’, argues Michael Roberts, but in the system of capital itself.

Subjective and objective value

17 Jan 2019

Arthur Bough insists that value is labour and has therefore existed in every form of society

Regulation does not work

11 Oct 2018

We need ownership and control of the banks, argues Michael Roberts

More momentum on the banks

04 Oct 2018

Real measures to control finance are needed, argues Michael Roberts

Capitalism and sovereign money

21 Jun 2018

Financial crises cannot be avoided simply through bypassing the commercial banks, argues Michael Roberts

Push them to the left

03 May 2018

According to a new book, today it is the managers, not the capitalists, who rule. Michael Roberts begs to differ

Zombies and the new volatility

15 Feb 2018

The ‘Goldilocks’ days of cheap money are coming to an end, Eddie Ford looks at the consequences

Chinese bank's alternative to Marxism

08 Feb 2018

Is ‘trading economics’ China’s new ‘ideologically acceptable’ theory of capitalism? Michael Roberts looks at the thoughts of a major figure in the People’s Bank of China

Ten years later

10 Aug 2017

What has the bourgeoisie learnt from the 2007-08 crash? Not a great deal, writes Michael Roberts

Optimism and pessimism

29 Jun 2017

What is the nature of capitalist crises? Paul B Smith weighs up two contending views

Seize, occupy, requisition

29 Jun 2017

Eddie Ford welcomes Jeremy Corbyn’s militant approach to the housing crisis

Civilisation and the ‘long run’

06 Apr 2017

Will the Keynesian radicals become mainstream conservatives when the long depression ends? It is capitalism itself that is the problem, argues Michael Roberts

Creating a level playing field

16 Mar 2017

How is the law used to protect the interests of capital? Michael Roberts discusses the tension between competition and monopoly

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