Party & Programme > Democratic centralism
The long view
29 Mar 2012
Communists must be patient, writes Paul Demarty, avoiding the twins of opportunism and adventurism
How to deselect your MP
08 Sep 2016
Carla Roberts looks at the rules, past and present
Make it mandatory
08 Sep 2016
Carla Roberts reviews: David Osland's 'How to select or reselect your MP', Spokesman Books, 2016, pp16, £4
Sources, streams and confluence
25 Aug 2016
Ben Lewis offers some thoughts on the origins of democratic centralism
Time for Corbyn to speak out
21 Jul 2016
What does the right do when it loses an election? It voids the result! Tony Greenstein reports on the suspension of the largest local Labour unit
No safe spaces for traitors
21 Jul 2016
Jeremy Corbyn not only faces the nonentity, Owen Smith, but a legal challenge in the high court. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists says the left must toughen up
Openness is a weapon
21 Apr 2016
The Weekly Worker’s commitment to open reporting on the affairs of the labour movement is not a fetish, but a political necessity, argues Paul Demarty
Straight-talking left
07 Apr 2016
There is nothing to fear from openly and honestly reporting our meetings, writes Sarah McDonald
A missed opportunity
26 Nov 2015
Left unity continues to dodge the issue of its constitution, writes Paul Demarty
Origins of democratic centralism
05 Nov 2015
Demands to bring parliamentarians into line; rightwing MPs complaining about the threat of deselection; pleas to put electability first - it all sounds very familiar
Not fit for purpose
15 Jan 2015
Jack Conrad shows that the LU constitution internalises trade union defeats and contains self-defeating time bombs
CWI: A bureaucratic farce
20 Feb 2014
The anti-Keynesian dissident, Bruce Wallace, has been suspended, reports Paul Demarty
What might have been
13 Feb 2014
The Communist Platform meeting showed what the Socialist Platform could have been, says Ian Donovan
Left Unity: Assume we have a tin opener
13 Feb 2014
Mark Fischer spent a day at Left Unity's most recent TNC meeting... though it felt like a lot longer
SWP conference: Notes of a delegate
19 Dec 2013
An oppositionist calls for the whole of the left to engage in debate and rethink its politics
SWP: Creating a desert waste
19 Dec 2013
For the third time in just over a year, the leadership is drawing a line. Actually, argues Ben Lewis, Charlie Kimber and Alex Callinicos are busily destroying their own organisation