
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Bleak prospects for democracy

17 Mar 2016

The latest atrocity once more draws attention to the fact that Turkey is at war, writes Esen Uslu

Due process and justice

17 Mar 2016

In the interests of political debate and clarification we publish Gerry Downing’s appeal against his expulsion

By your advisors shall you be known

17 Mar 2016

Yassamine Mather takes apart John McDonnell’s pledge of responsibility

Thin end of the wedge

17 Mar 2016

We must oppose the expulsion of Gerry Downing, but fight to expose his political errors, argues Jim Grant

Right’s fear and loathing

17 Mar 2016

Communists defend Corbyn from his impatient assassins, whilst retaining our criticisms, writes Eddie Ford

Flip-flopping over in or out

10 Mar 2016

Neither Corbyn’s current stance, nor his former position is in workers’ interests, argues Peter Manson

United front needed

10 Mar 2016

The junior doctors need a united front in their struggle, says Richard Galen

Ideas to transform Labour

10 Mar 2016

William Sarsfield reports on the weekend’s CPGB members’ meeting

Stumbling towards collapse

10 Mar 2016

In light of the latest moves against the media, Esen Uslu analyses the contending forces within the state apparatus

Who’s afraid of 1916?

10 Mar 2016

Admiration of James Connolly should be tempered by criticism, writes Anne McShane

Anti-Semitic smears employed by right

03 Mar 2016

The Labour left must get better organised, argues Gary Toms of Labour Party Marxists

Waiting for Corbyn

03 Mar 2016

Tens of thousands rallied to Saturday’s anti-Trident demonstration. Peter Manson reports

No backtracking on Palestine

03 Mar 2016

Unfortunately the Labour leader appears to be beating a retreat, writes Tony Greenstein

A working class military programme

25 Feb 2016

James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists argues that a Jeremy Corbyn government would best be defended by abolishing the standing army and the formation of a popular militia

In the cause of imperialism

25 Feb 2016

What lies behind moves to outlaw boycotts? Tony Greenstein investigates

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