
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

A carnival of reaction

25 Feb 2016

Neither side in the EU referendum campaign deserves leftwing support, argues Paul Demarty

Uncritical support for Corbyn

25 Feb 2016

David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on last weekend’s LRC conference

Selling a pig in a poke

11 Feb 2016

Communists cannot support either a ‘remain’ or a ‘leave’ vote, writes Eddie Ford

Don’t fall for the lies

11 Feb 2016

Our action is aimed at the government and NHS employers, not patients, writes Richard Galen

Cameron’s chauvinist chicanery

04 Feb 2016

The forthcoming EU referendum is a contest between reactionary forces, argues Paul Demarty

Not a lot has changed

28 Jan 2016

Rex Dunn reviews: Hamid Ismailov The underground Restless Books, 2015, pp279, £10.99

Missiles and meetings

21 Jan 2016

Paul Demarty asks if the Labour left can press home its advantage

Trusting who?

14 Jan 2016

Richard Galen writes from the picket line at Croydon University Hospital

Migrant sex mob hysteria

14 Jan 2016

Instead of fighting for open borders and internationalism, the left in Germany has joined the ruling class in its collective embarrassment, says Tina Becker

Giving lie to Tory claims

14 Jan 2016

Support for the junior doctors remains firm, writes James Linney

Popular militia vs standing army

07 Jan 2016

Jack Conrad takes issue with those on the left who oppose, shun or want to keep silent over a basic democratic demand

War of manoeuvre

07 Jan 2016

Jeremy Corbyn still presides over a ‘left-centre-right’ shadow cabinet, writes Eddie Ford

Capital’s economic Nato

17 Dec 2015

Ferdi De Ville and Gabriel Siles-Brügge The truth about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Polity, 2015, pp160, £12.99

Learn the lessons of Syriza

17 Dec 2015

What will the weekend bring for Podemos? Tom Munday and Ana Ibarruri comment on the likely outcome of the general election

Price of insubordination

17 Dec 2015

David Douglass mourns the death of coal as a defeat of the working class

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