
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Full steam ahead?

16 Jan 2020

While Stormont has been restored, writes James Harvey, the old communal divisions remain firmly in place.

Smoke without fire

16 Jan 2020

Jamie Stern-Weiner (editor) Anti-Semitism and the Labour Party Verso, December 2019, free e-book, pp278

Tarnishing the brand

16 Jan 2020

While Labour leadership candidates pathetically line up to defend Harry and Meghan Windsor in the name of anti-racism and anti-sexism, Eddie Ford says it’s time to put republicanism back onto the agenda.

Put pressure on RLB

16 Jan 2020

CLPs should demand the Labour leadership candidate distances herself from the ‘10 pledges’, writes Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists.

Preparing the ground for repression

09 Jan 2020

Further scares about anti-Semitism are signs of the times, reckons Paul Demarty

Our attitude to Europe

09 Jan 2020

A long-standing member of the Communist Party of Britain has tried to start an open debate using the ‘normal channels’. Though this letter was sent to the CPB, the Morning Star and Communist Review in December 2019, it has neither been printed not even acknowledged

Between a rock and a hard place

09 Jan 2020

Candidates in the Labour leadership election reflect the self-inflicted defeat of the Labour left under Corbyn’s leadership, argues Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists

Case update

09 Jan 2020

Stan Keable was sacked for political activity, and won a verdict of unfair dismissal: but the decision is being challenged

Unworthy crew

19 Dec 2019

Like Corbyn, none of his prospective successors are prepared to challenge the Labour right head on, says Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists.

Northing inevitable

19 Dec 2019

Both Sinn Féin and the DUP did badly, but there is still talk of a border poll and reunification, reports James Harvey.

State of the union

19 Dec 2019

Paul Demarty anticipates a showdown over holding a second referendum and an independence bid.

Corbynism is over

19 Dec 2019

Mike Macnair argues that the very aim of winning government office is misconceived and self-defeating.

Brandishing old ghosts

12 Dec 2019

Jack Conrad argues that in order to effectively combat today’s far right we must begin by rejecting false historical analogies.

Writing on the wall

12 Dec 2019

With the Brexit Party collapsing about his ears, Nigel Farage is thinking about launching the Reform Party. Eddie Ford is amused.

The media mincer

12 Dec 2019

Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists looks back at the Labour leadership’s attempts to conciliate the media.

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