
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Lawyer’s paradise

25 Apr 1996

Incoherent rant?

25 Apr 1996

Communist press

Italian Blairism

25 Apr 1996

Brent’s campaign against Unison continues

25 Apr 1996

Labour on capitalist offensive

25 Apr 1996

International support there to be won

25 Apr 1996

The seven-month Liverpool dockers’ dispute has gained strength from international solidarity action. This week they are awaiting news from workers in the US, who are putting pressure on ACL, the biggest company that uses the port, to pull out. This would be a major breakthrough for the dockers. Lee-Anne Bates spoke to Terry Teague, one of the dockers’ shop stewards, about how this international solidarity can be built on and generalised for the workers’ movement as a whole

More Dundee cuts

25 Apr 1996

Revolutionary democratic road: Russians versus Greeks

18 Apr 1996

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) continues the debate with Paul Cockshott on revolution and republicanism

Constitution for a democratic republic

18 Apr 1996

Following the SLP national meeting on March 2 debates have continued on a number of the policy meetings and documents presented. The ‘Republican Constitution’ working group document reproduced below is a result of those debates and will be presented to the May 4 launch conference

Socialist Worker contradictions

18 Apr 1996

Communist press

The real terrorist is Israel

18 Apr 1996


Defend press freedom in Turkey

18 Apr 1996

Alton Manning campaign

18 Apr 1996

Stop police brutality

18 Apr 1996

NUT votes for democracy

18 Apr 1996

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