
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Who’s next for the chop?

07 May 1996

May Day staying alive

07 May 1996

Eastern Europe

Merseyside firefighters ballot on Acas deal

07 May 1996

Labour’s big idea: Scrap welfare

07 May 1996

After the local elections Labour was back in the headlines in the form of Gordon Brown and Chris Smith. But have they provided the big idea everyone is looking for to challenge the Tories?

SUPPLEMENT: Essays on the general strike - Part IV

02 May 1996

The 1926 General Strike

Europe amendment

02 May 1996

Trade Union document

02 May 1996

SLP policy amendments

Scargillism or republicanism

02 May 1996

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group (faction of the SWP) writes on the choices facing the Socialist Labour Party

Wonderful response to the call

02 May 1996

From the British Worker, official strike bulletin of the TUC, May 5 1926

No fool’s Gold

02 May 1996

Makers or spectators?

02 May 1996

Around the left

Dundee fight against school closures

02 May 1996

De-recognition threat

02 May 1996

SLP moves to break Labour stranglehold

02 May 1996

Gordon Brown has unambiguously announced Labour’s intention to continue the Tories’ attack on workers with a promised squeeze on public spending. Yet after the local elections Blair’s Labour Party looks set to win a huge anti-Tory vote, taking it to victory in the next general election. Can the Socialist Labour Party turn the tide on the Labour-Tory rightwing consensus?

Iran in revolution

25 Apr 1996

Arman Arani of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran on revolution and counterrevolution

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