
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

SP on the rack after climbdown

05 Feb 2004

Pressure is mounting on the Socialist Party-dominated leadership of the Public and Commercial Services Union following the decision of the department of work and pensions (DWP) executive to suspend strike action last week reports Lee Rock

Media manipulation

05 Feb 2004

Dave Osler on the government campaign of media manipulation in the wake of the death of Dr Daved Kelly

Theses on the Labour Party

29 Jan 2004

Power to suppress

15 Jan 2004

The government's new Civil Contingencies Bill is a monstrous encroachment on democratic rights, says Jem Jones

Back in Labour's fold

08 Jan 2004

Ken Livingstone's reinstatement into the Labour Party is at one level a significant defeat for Tony Blair, says Ian Donovan

Divided four ways

08 Jan 2004

There are deep divisions in the leadership of the 'Morning Star's Communist Party of Britain over what attitude to adopt towards the new Respect coalition. Can its forthcoming special congress resolve the contradictions? Alan Rees investigates

Away with gongs and titles

08 Jan 2004

The British honours system is more than a laughable anachronism: it sheds light on the nature of our society and the royalist traditions that underpin it. Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group believes that the recent spate of honours refuseniks heralds the birth of a republican socialist party

Healthcare and moral hysteria

08 Jan 2004

New Labour is proposing to charge failed asylum-seekers for healthcare. There is more to this move than budget trimming, argues Jem Jones

Antidote to Blairite lies and deceit

08 Jan 2004

The issue of health is one of those battlegrounds that Blair could easily become unstuck over in the next few years. , says Phil Hamilton

Big people and the small state

08 Jan 2004

Tory leader Michael Howard declares: "I believe the people should be big. That the state should be small." This is a sentiment that authentic Marxists would wholeheartedly concur with, writes Jack Conrad

Republicanism, the left and mass politics

18 Dec 2003

Chris Jones of the Revolutionary Democratic Group joins the debate

Break with yellow unions

11 Dec 2003

Houzan Mahmoud of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq reports on how one British left group continues to side with the Ba'athist oppressors who once ruled Iraq

Electoral deal ratified

11 Dec 2003

Peter Manson reports on the French left and the EU elections

Provocative and insulting

04 Dec 2003

There was nothing remotely progressive in the defeat of Jacobitism, argues Dave Douglass, in this response to Neil Davidson of the Scottish Socialist Party's Socialist Worker platform

Good Friday on the rocks

04 Dec 2003

Ian Donovan examines the rise and rise of Paisleyism and what it means for the Six Counties

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