
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Unite for a social Europe

27 Nov 2003

This appeal, the grandiosely named ‘Declaration of the assembly of actors and social movements’, was passed on November 16, the last day of the Paris European Social Forum.

Stealing from BNP

27 Nov 2003

The selection of Howard as leader - with the other camp too weakened even to field a token standard bearer - indicates the Tories have effectively accepted the BNP's logic. Worried about the so-called vacuum on the left? Watch out for the pressure cooker on the right.

Royal agony continues

27 Nov 2003

George W Bush’s time in Britain was a state visit. This meant he was the guest of the queen and stayed at Buckingham Palace. It was to be part of the post-Iraq victory celebrations and the beginning of his election campaign.

Confusion reigns over union bosses' pay

20 Nov 2003

At a meeting of 40 Public and Civil Service Union London Left Unity members on November 11, Socialist Workers Party comrades voted against their organisation’s position with regards to the pay of rank and file candidates when elected as full-time trade union officials.

European Social Forum: PCF attacked

20 Nov 2003

The PCF was attacked with bottles and fireworks by a gaggle of two to three hundred anarchists. David Moran witnessed events

United States of Europe - theirs and ours

12 Nov 2003

Jack Conrad explains the communist vision

PRC - origins, problems and prospects

12 Nov 2003

The combativity of the working class in Italy is in part connected to the leadership offered by Rifondazione Comunista, argues Toby Abse, a supporter of Resistance. This monthly publication groups together the International Socialist Group - affiliated to the so-called 'Fourth International' - and an eclectic range of independents who in general inhabit the right wing of the Socialist Alliance

Seize opportunity

12 Nov 2003

As the European Union tries to introduce its quasi-democratic constitution, expands to the east, adopts the single currency and looks to a unitary European defence force, our side is left to play catch-up, says Marcus Ström

Poor tactics, useless strategy

06 Nov 2003

Unison's dispute over London weighting continues to suffer from serious underlying weaknesses, says Alan Stevens

Rattled Tories crown Howard

06 Nov 2003

Michael Malkin says the Tory leadership contest tells us much about the state of the Conservative Party

An utter mess

06 Nov 2003

In June a rotten settlement gave management carte blanche to impose 'modernisation' on firefighters' working conditions. Now the promised seven percent rise is to be phased in. Fire Brigades Union London regional officer Matt Wrack spoke to Peter Manson about the background to the latest wave of unofficial action

Temporary climbdown

06 Nov 2003

John Keys reports on the latest of the postal dispute

Wildcat post strikes spread

30 Oct 2003

John Keys reports about the unofficial strikes by postal workers that have broken out all over London and nearby areas

Unity is democratic demand too

30 Oct 2003

The Scottish Socialist Party's national council met in Stirling on Sunday October 26 with around 150 delegates and observers in attendance. Sarah McDonald reports

Party notes: Royal scandals and platonic republicanism

30 Oct 2003

Paul Burrell's book 'A royal duty' has unleashed yet another crisis for the beleaguered British Royal family. Jack Conrad comments

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