
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Marching towards self-organisation

09 Feb 2006

Emily Bransom reports on a new website set up by disgruntled soldiers

Democracy in the dock

09 Feb 2006

Fight the BNP but defend freedom of speech too - Eddie Ford comments

History of Hamas

02 Feb 2006

An examination of Hamas's roots, both historical and political-theological, reveals beyond doubt that its anti-Zionism and anti-imperialism is programmatically counterrevolutionary, argues Eddie Ford. Or, to put it more starkly, in Hamas we encounter a reactionary ideology of the oppressed

Learn military art

02 Feb 2006

From VI Lenin, 'The military programme of the proletarian revolution' (1916 - www.marxists.org)

Freedom of speech still in danger

02 Feb 2006

While Blair's defeat over religious incitement is to be welcomed, the new law could still be wielded against the working class, writes Peter Manson. That is why it is appalling that George Galloway and Respect were New Labour's only allies in the Commons

Fight for soldiers' rights

02 Feb 2006

Emily Bransom comments on demands by disgruntled British soldiers to form their own 'armed forces federation'

No champion of the oppressed

02 Feb 2006

Socialists should not celebrate Hamas's victory in the Palestinian elections. Women and secular forces will very likely be the first to suffer, says Katherine Quinn

Authoritarian agenda

26 Jan 2006

Anne Mc Shane comments on Tony Blair's latest anti-social crackdown

Representation - crisis unresolved

26 Jan 2006

As expected, the RMT's 'Crisis in working class representation' conference was almost entirely a gathering of the organised left, writes Peter Manson. The union bureaucracy has no intention of founding a new political party

Defend free speech

19 Jan 2006

Abu Hamza and Nick Griffin have more in common than they would like to admit: both are being prosecuted for their views and speeches - rather than their actions. Communists must take a firm stand against the chipping away of our civil liberties, because left critics of the government might be next in line, says Tina Becker

Festival of Labourism?

19 Jan 2006

The working class movement needs its own republican socialist party, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

Scramble for centre ground

12 Jan 2006

Emily Bransom comments on the resignation of Charles Kennedy

The tip of the iceberg

05 Jan 2006

Liam O Ruairc comments on the outing of leading Sinn Fein member Denis Donaldson as a spy for the British secret service

Umbilical cord joins New Labour to Cameron's Tories

05 Jan 2006

Graham Bash (Labour Left Briefing) assesses the left's prospects for 2006 - and urges support for an unusual candidate to the new Labour Party NEC

Booze and moral panics

15 Dec 2005

How should communists view the new '24-hour-drinking'-legislation? Eddie Ford says that alcohol and drugs are class questions

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