
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Dreaming of 1945

24 Nov 2011

The time for reformist timidity is long passed, argues Maciej Zurowski in his report of the Labour Representation Committee's annual conference

Appearances are everything

24 Nov 2011

Peter Manson reports on the SWP's obsession with numbers regarding its latest recruiting front

Unite behind the sparks

24 Nov 2011

Craft workers and labourers must find common cause, urges Gerry Downing

A flag tainted with brown

24 Nov 2011

Chris Strafford condemns the Morning Star-sponsored meeting of nationalists, anti-Semites, and homophobes

Democracy against capitalism

24 Nov 2011

The ascension of self-styled technocrats to political power is the latest proof that capitalism is antithetical to democracy, argues James Turley

Debating the republic and extreme democracy

17 Nov 2011

Ben Lewis reports on some interesting exchanges at the 'Historical Materialism' weekend

Carrot and stick

17 Nov 2011

Francis Maude's idiotic '15-minute strike' suggestion reveals a disquiet at the heart of the government, argues James Turley

Patriotism and pyromania

10 Nov 2011

Police action against 'poppy-burners' reveals the murky chauvinist undercurrent to Remembrance Day, argues James Turley

Lenin and the United States of Europe

03 Nov 2011

Jack Conrad takes issue with the attempt to recruit Lenin to the CPB nationalist camp

No alternative posed

03 Nov 2011

Anne Mc Shane sees the economy and the failing capitalist system as the central question in Ireland

Vile class-collaboration on display at Westminster

27 Oct 2011

Peter Manson looks at the reaction of the Morning Star to the defeat of the Commons motion for a referendum on the European Union

Images of a slaughtered past

27 Oct 2011

David Douglass reviews Peter Tuffrey, Doncaster's collieries (Amberley Publishing, 2011, pp128,

ANC bureaucrats target youth league demagogue

20 Oct 2011

The South African Communist Party has no answer to Julius Malema's black nationalism, writes Peter Manson

Lessons from 'history'

20 Oct 2011

Laurence Parker reviews Robert Griffiths and Ben Stevenson, The Communist Party 1920-2010: 90 years of struggle for the working class and humanity (CPB History Group, 2010, pp44,

Guarding the chicken coop

13 Oct 2011

James Turley looks at the unfolding Liam Fox scandal

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