
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Rifondazione opposes rail link

08 Mar 2012

Workers' discontent has found an unexpected outlet, notes Toby Abse

The last president?

08 Mar 2012

The latest rigged elections have produced a predictable result as Supreme Leader Khamenei consolidates his power, says Yassamine Mather.

Striking on March 28 is not enough

08 Mar 2012

Dave Vincent applauds the leadership style of Mark Serwotka and calls for electoral opposition to the cuts

Berlusconi still in the dock

01 Mar 2012

The former premier may have been 'cleared' on a technicality, writes Toby Abse, but the repercussions of the whole affair persist in both the Italian and British establishments

Still marching proud

01 Mar 2012

Dave Douglass reviews: David Temple 'The Big Meeting: a history of the Durham Miners' Gala' TUPS books, 2011, pp243,

Holy trinity of reaction

23 Feb 2012

The queen's jubilee is a timely event for the forces of reaction in an age of austerity, argues Ben Lewis. For its part, the workers' movement needs to rediscover the tradition of militant republican democracy

Free Abu-Qatada

16 Feb 2012

The rights and freedoms of Abu Qatada must be protected, no matter how politcally odious he personally may be, says James Turley.

Forgotten heroism

09 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Jonathan Symcox, 'The 1984-1985 miners strike in Nottingham: if spirits alone won battles - the diary of John Lowe' Pen and Sword Books, 2011, pp176,

Realistic propaganda and cynical agitation

09 Feb 2012

Has the SWP learnt the lessons following the debacle of 'All out, stay out'? Laurie Smith investigates

Taking the Chinese road

02 Feb 2012

This week, Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil, makes her first state visit to Cuba. James Turley sees another step from Stalinism to capitalism.

Europe's mutual suicide pact

19 Jan 2012

Austerity plans pursued by European governments are proving to be self-defeating, writes Eddie Ford

Politics, not voluntarism

19 Jan 2012

The left is trying to wish a mass fightback into existence. Peter Manson reports on the Unite the Resistance 'emergency conference'

Oil struggle aborted

19 Jan 2012

Despite the ending of the protests, workers in Nigeria have demonstrated their potential power, writes Nick Rogers

Climax of tartan nationalism

19 Jan 2012

The Scottish independence referendum is a choice between Westminster and Berlin, argues James Turley - yet the left offers no alternative to nationalist illusions

Of kings and Kims

12 Jan 2012

Given the media's love of pomp and circumstance - and hereditary monarchy - there is no little hypocrisy in its mocking of North Korea, argues Eddie Ford

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