
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Labour needs Marxism

13 Oct 2011

Workers must aim to take the organisations of the movement - including the Labour Party - away from the bureaucracy's control. Alex John reports on last weekend's aggregate of CPGB members

Cuts and cat-fights

06 Oct 2011

The Conservative Party's annual conference produced a lot of empty rhetoric, a few concessions for the right and one clanger from the front benches, writes James Turley - but no surprises

Besancenot: go beyond outdated national borders

06 Oct 2011

Last weekend's Europe Against Austerity event adopted the aim of a 'day of industrial action' across the continent in 2012. Peter Manson reports on the conference's strengths and weaknesses

Building for November 30

06 Oct 2011

Chris Strafford reports from protests at the Conservative Party conference

Suffocating lack of democracy

06 Oct 2011

Delegate Jim Moody gives his impressions of the Liverpool Labour Party conference

Mapping the alternative

29 Sep 2011

The workers' movement must begin to act on a European scale, argues Mike Macnair

Off-colour Blairites

29 Sep 2011

Ed Miliband is being attacked from the right, argues James Turley

They obeyed the rules

29 Sep 2011

Mark Fischer busts the myths of the Jarrow Crusade

Miliband reassures capital

29 Sep 2011

Peter Manson considers Ed Miliband's vacuous speech to Labour Party conference

Four victims of industrial demise

22 Sep 2011

David Douglass looks at the background to last week's tragic events at Gleision pit in south Wales

Shoot the messenger

22 Sep 2011

Bourgeois political power is not as unassailable as they would like us to think. Our rulers can be relied upon, periodically, to split. James Turley looks at the botched attempt of the Metropolitan Police to use the Official Secrets Act

Side with working class or, in the name of god, go

15 Sep 2011

The TUC congress represented a positive step towards united working class resistance against coalition attacks, writes Peter Manson

A triumphant victory?

08 Sep 2011

Claire Fisher and Maciej Zurowski report on the English Defence League demonstration in east London and the response of anti-fascists

Market logic challenged by eight-hour general strike

08 Sep 2011

This week the increasingly moribund government of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has faced simultaneous attacks on two fronts: from the speculators and the European Central Bank, on the one hand; and from a general strike by the most militant section of Italy's organised working class, on the other. Toby Abse reports

Aftermath of August

01 Sep 2011

Eddie Ford looks at the response to the UK riots, both from the establishment and the left

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