
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

The ballad of Tommy Robinson

17 Oct 2013

The left is in the habit of not thinking, notes Paul Demarty. Nowhere more so than when it comes to the far right

Leveson, libel and lucre

17 Oct 2013

The overall result of the combination of Leveson and the Defamation Act is a major attack on freedom of speech and communication, argues Mike Macnair

Labour: Inching to the left

17 Oct 2013

In view of Labour’s marginal shift, the new ‘broad left’ party proposed by Left Unity’s Left Party Platform is worse than useless, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Berlusconi: Houdini’s last escape

10 Oct 2013

Surely last week’s volte face signals the end of the road for Silvio Berlusconi. Toby Abse reports

Labour Party: Safe for capitalism

26 Sep 2013

Calling Miliband ‘Red Ed’ is a joke, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Die Linke: Principled opposition, not coalition poker

26 Sep 2013

With Die Linke potentially emerging from last weekend’s elections as the biggest opposition party in parliament, big challenges lie ahead, argues Ben Lewis

UKIP: Dangers of nationalism

26 Sep 2013

Will Nigel Farage change the face of politics? Eddie Ford looks at the evidence

Lib Dems: Desperate to avoid wipe-out

19 Sep 2013

Nick Clegg has resorted to claiming that coalition government is a virtue in itself, writes Eddie Ford

Die Linke: Rotten politics and rotten terms

19 Sep 2013

This weekend’s elections will be a test for Die Linke, argues Ben Lewis, especially when it comes to the coalition-making that will follow

TUC conference: Hot air and the lesser evil

12 Sep 2013

Peter Manson looks at the noises coming from the trade union leaderships

Lobbying laws: Crude attack on unions

12 Sep 2013

Though in partial retreat, writes Eddie Ford, the government aims to use legislation to further stifle trade union activity and free speech in general

The problem is Labour

12 Sep 2013

PCS militant Dave Vincent reports on the union’s stalled national campaign in defence of terms and conditions

Labour and unions: Democratise the link

12 Sep 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists takes a look at Ed Miliband’s attack on trade union influence

Syrian crisis: Miliband well placed to benefit

05 Sep 2013

Eddie Ford examines the impact on British politics of the Syrian crisis

China: Populism and plutocracy

29 Aug 2013

The trial of Bo Xilai reveals contradictions at the top of Chinese society, argues Paul Demarty

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