

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Fighting fund

20 Apr 1995

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Dundee campaign to save hospital

20 Apr 1995

Manchester against CJA

20 Apr 1995

Artist draws in support

20 Apr 1995

Fighting fund

13 Apr 1995

Linda Addison reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Candidates for communism

13 Apr 1995

Dominic Handley, who has recently joined the CPGB, stood for the first time as a Communist candidate in Lochee West, Dundee - a new ward for us. He stood in a safe Labour seat where the sitting councillor was Dundee’s lord provost (mayor), but his votes were hard won votes for revolution. We spoke to him about the campaign

Revolutionary votes

13 Apr 1995

New support

13 Apr 1995

During the election campaign in Dundee we won a great deal of support for communism. Danny Williams, a new 15-year old supporter, was our youngest and perhaps hardest working activist. He joined during the campaign and worked with us throughout the following week. Here he tells us what he thought of the experience

‘Police efficiency’

13 Apr 1995

Quality education for all

13 Apr 1995

Roger Harper, Communist candidate for Hulme in Manchester, demands the education we need

Vote against council cuts

13 Apr 1995

Last week teachers throughout the country demonstrated and took strike action against education cuts. Meanwhile the healthworkers’ unions are still dragging their feet in opposing their pay offer. The communist campaign against attacks on jobs and services has received much support. But you can go one step further: vote Communist on May 4 and join us in fighting back. Demand what we need, not what capitalism can afford

Communists debate with SML

06 Apr 1995

DRI fight hots up

06 Apr 1995

Fighting fund

06 Apr 1995

Phil Kent reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Vote Communist on May 4!

06 Apr 1995

Workers have no faith in either Labour or the Tories. But you can use your vote positively

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