

Hidden from history

22 Nov 2007

Lawrence Parker, The kick inside - revolutionary opposition in the CPGB 1960-1991 2007, £4.00 (+ £1.15 postage), pp75

Fighting fund

02 Feb 1995

Phil Kent reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Gold to our movement

02 Feb 1995

Kemal Osman is a Turkish textile worker who has recently joined the Communist Party in Hackney, an area with a high percentage of migrant workers and exiled revolutionaries from Turkey. He tells the Weekly Worker why he has joined the Party

Fighting fund

26 Jan 1995

Phil Kent reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Fighting fund

19 Jan 1995

Fighting fund

12 Jan 1995

Phil Kent reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Fighting fund

05 Jan 1995

Phil Kent reports on the Weekly Worker fighting fund

Monthly fund launched

15 Dec 1994

Phil Kent reports on the WW fighting fund and the financial targets for the 'year of the Party'

Back to the Party

15 Dec 1994

Communist Party perspectives for 1995

15 Dec 1994

UWC welcomes new president

15 Dec 1994

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