
Party & Programme > Class and consciousness

Wide open for the class

19 Apr 2012

What is class-consciousness? Paul B Smith discusses the possibility of a political revival

Lexiteers all at sea

15 Sep 2016

Both the Morning Star’s CPB and SPEW advocate immigration controls and socialism in one country, notes Mike Macnair

End the bans and proscriptions

01 Sep 2016

Once the Labour Party was characterised by tolerance and inclusion, all working class organisations were welcome - no longer. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists explores the history

After the Brexit vote

25 Aug 2016

Mike Macnair argues that very little has become clearer since late June

Different plot twists, same ending

25 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan shows that there is nothing progressive about the Hillary Clinton’s platform

Life of a heroic traitor

04 Aug 2016

Jim Creegan looks back at the extraordinary story of Roger Casement on the 100th anniversary of his execution

Time for Corbyn to speak out

21 Jul 2016

What does the right do when it loses an election? It voids the result! Tony Greenstein reports on the suspension of the largest local Labour unit

No safe spaces for traitors

21 Jul 2016

Jeremy Corbyn not only faces the nonentity, Owen Smith, but a legal challenge in the high court. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists says the left must toughen up

Fight fire with fire

14 Jul 2016

The Labour left needs to go on the offensive against the right, argues Eddie Ford

Sacrifice and redemption

14 Jul 2016

Chris Cutrone of the Platypus Affiliated Society recounts the struggle of Rosa Luxemburg for the workers’ party to base itself on the goal of socialism

What was social democracy?

07 Jul 2016

Chris Cutrone of the Platypus Affiliated Society traces the origins of current socialist terminology1

Time to counterattack

07 Jul 2016

The Labour plotters are well organised, but weaker than they look. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists urges that we take the fight to them

Parroting the ‘party’ line

07 Jul 2016

A genuine exchange of ideas is the last thing the SWP leadership wants, writes Peter Manson

General election now?

07 Jul 2016

Whatever the SWP might think, argues Eddie Ford, the Tory Party is not about to split

Turn the tables on the right

30 Jun 2016

The coup attempt against Jeremy Corbyn presents the left with both a huge challenge and an historic opportunity. James Marshall, writing for Labour Party Marxists, assesses the balance of forces, and outlines a programme of immediate action and long-term strategic aims

Fear, confusion and delusions

30 Jun 2016

Left responses to the referendum result vary from despondency to total exuberance. Both are misplaced, argues Paul Demarty

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