
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Sugar-coated Satan sandwich

04 Aug 2011

Obama has signed up to a vicious cuts programme that takes the US to the brink of a double-dip recession. Eddie Ford examines the debt deal

Facing debtgeddon

28 Jul 2011

Greece has defaulted in all but name and the US treasury is only days away from running out of funds. Eddie Ford looks at the ongoing crisis

Political suicide or managed decline?

21 Jul 2011

With the sovereign debt contagion spreading, the euro facing existential crisis, the possibility of a US default and gold prices hitting record highs there is a real possibility that capitalism is heading for a further sharp downturn. But, asks Jack Conrad, does Keynesianism offer a way out?

Contagion spreads to the core

21 Jul 2011

The escalating euro zone crisis and the possibility of the US defaulting on its deficit could trigger another global economic meltdown, writes Eddie Ford - and yet more attacks on the working class

Euro zone crisis spreads from periphery to core

14 Jul 2011

Toby Abse looks at the interplay between economics and politics after 'Black Friday'

An ethical revolution of the mind

02 Jun 2011

Esther of Democracia Real Ya spoke to the Weekly Worker

Striking together

02 Jun 2011

Ben Lewis looks forward to a bold show of mass opposition to austerity on June 30

Beyond disunity

24 Mar 2011

In seeking to prop up their crisis-ridden system, the capitalist class is united around cuts, cuts and more cuts. If we are to fight back and win, our class must also unite, argues Ben Lewis

Not our solution to their crisis

24 Mar 2011

The economic crisis is far from over. But does Keynesianism offer a way out? No, argues Jack Conrad. Keynesianism is thoroughly elitist, anti-working class and pro-capitalist

The leadership of 'events'

03 Mar 2011

Andrew Coates unravels Slavoj Žižek's 'communist hypothesis'

Enfield cross-section

27 Jan 2011

Last week Enfield Alliance Against the Cuts was founded. Robin Jackson is the campaign's secretary

Practical Hackney

27 Jan 2011

Bev James gives the latest from the Hackney Alliance to Defend Public Services

Hull anger

27 Jan 2011

Anti-cuts protestors brought Hull city council to a standstill. Bob Bright was there

Northampton long haul

27 Jan 2011

Hannah Phipps on the fight against cuts in Northampton

The pull to the left

27 Jan 2011

Ed Ball's promotion to shadow chancellor gives Labour the Keynesian option, argues James Turley

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