
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Playing the blame game

22 Dec 2011

With hundreds of billions of debt due to be repaid in the first quarter of next year, writes Eddie Ford, the euro zone crisis has not gone away

Cameron in the court of King James

22 Dec 2011

The prime minister's speech on the King James Bible ticks every reactionary box going, argues James Turley

Cameron's Euro veto con trick

15 Dec 2011

Despite the deepening rift between the Tories and Liberal Democrats over Europe, writes Eddie Ford, both are committed to further attacks on the working class

Slaughter by austerity butchers

08 Dec 2011

The "Merkozy" plan for greater "fiscal union" looks set to be another failure, writes Eddie Ford

Defence of the nation-state

08 Dec 2011

Dave Douglass reviews VN Gelis "How the IMF broke Greece: eyewitness reports and role of the fake left" 2011, pp222,

Budget assault ups the ante

08 Dec 2011

Almost all Italian parties have fallen in behind the attacks fronted by the new government of technocrats, reports Toby Abse

Keynesian fantasies are no substitute

08 Dec 2011

The Fine Gael/Labour coalition has unveiled the country's fifth austerity budget. Despite that the leading factions of the ULA continue to dither, writes Anne Mc Shane

Marx's spectre haunts the wealthy and powerful

01 Dec 2011

The ruling class has no workable strategy for rescuing the system, argues Hillel Ticktin

Left rhetoric and reformist illusions

01 Dec 2011

The 1891 Erfurt programme adopted by the Social Democratic Party of Germany was regarded as a 'return to Marxism', writes Ben Lewis. If only the same could be said of Die Linke's 2011 version

Fear and positioning

24 Nov 2011

As the euro zone heads for possible disaster and 'economic Armageddon', writes Eddie Ford, both the US and UK governments have also admitted failure

Has capitalism reached the end of the line?

17 Nov 2011

Mike Macnair spoke to the November 12 CPGB aggregate on the Marxist understanding of the crisis. This is an edited version of his speech

Technocrats and bankers take over

17 Nov 2011

As the entire establishment falls in behind the new cabinet of bureaucrats, writes Toby Abse, Italian workers must prepare for the attacks that lie ahead

Marxist education not rote learning

17 Nov 2011

Communists in the CPGB will be prioritising the study of the fundamentals of Marxism, focussing initially on Marx's political economy, to combat the Keynesian quackery prevalent on the left, reports Alex John

Bye bye, euro too?

10 Nov 2011

While the departure of Silvio Berlusconi will be a cause for celebration amongst workers, it will open the way for a more effective government of vicious austerity, warns Toby Abse

EU leaders have no answers

10 Nov 2011

As Greece and Italy edge closer to the brink, Eddie Ford looks at the latest developments

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