
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Not in capital's interest

13 Jan 2011

Knowing the price of every commodity without knowing the worth of life's essentials is the essence of capitalism, writes Jim Moody

Build on the momentum

02 Dec 2010

The November 27 Coalition of Resistance conference, despite obvious weaknesses, marked a good start in the struggle to stop the government's cuts onslaught. Peter Manson reports

Old loyalties under threat

02 Dec 2010

The fightback against the cuts continues to grow, but the left must build a viable alternative to the politics of nationalism. Anne Mc Shane reports in the aftermath of the latest mass demonstration in Dublin

Arming the resistance

02 Dec 2010

What lies behind the ruling class cuts offensive and what strategy do we need to defeat it? This is an edited version of the speech given by Mike Macnair to the November 28 CPGB aggregate

No to nationalist response

25 Nov 2010

There is no solution to the Irish crisis within its own borders. Anne Mc Shane calls for internationalism and solidarity

Capitalism cracked

11 Nov 2010

Andrew Coates reviews John Holloway's 'Crack capitalism' Pluto Press, 2010, pp320, £16

Budget crisis deepens

11 Nov 2010

Double standards need to be challenged by the left in Ireland, writes Anne Mc Shane

The band played on

30 Sep 2010

Lib Dems are underwriting a government of crisis, writes James Turley

Neoliberal ghosts and the art of brevity

16 Sep 2010

Jack Conrad answers criticisms of the CPGB's Draft programme in the second of a three-part article

Old cuts, new packaging

22 Jul 2010

James Turley exposes Cameron's 'Big Society' lie

Universities or business?

10 Jun 2010

Farzad Houshyar looks at the destructive role of the market in higher education

Rethinking revolution

03 Jun 2010

David Harvey, Marxist academic and author of the newly published The enigma of capital, spoke to Mark Fischer

No alternative within capitalism

20 May 2010

What does the bail-out of Greece mean for international capital? Hillel Ticktin spoke to Yassamine Mather

Not just a study aid

22 Apr 2010

Andrew Coates reviews David Harvey's 'A companion to Marx's Capital' Verso, 2010, pp320, £10.99

Obama's healthcare triumph is a con

15 Apr 2010

Jim Creegan looks at the devious manoeuvring carried out by Obama and the Democratic leadership

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